Εταιρική Παρουσίαση
Enel Green Power is the global Enel’s Group brand that manages more than 1,200 power plants on five continents and is present with assets in operation or under construction in 21 countries and development activities in a further 6 countries. It has around 50 GW of installed renewable capacity generated from a mix of resources, including wind, solar, hydroelectric and geothermal. EGP is playing a fundamental role in the energy transition, as it is one of the world’s leading renewable energy companies. Enel Green Power is present in Greece since 2008 operating 59 plants with 482 MW of installed wind capacity, hydro and solar power. The company incorporates in its strategy and business practices the principles of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, placing the outmost emphasis on safety at work, as well as contributing to the well-being of its employees and the neighboring local communities. Clean energy and sustainable projects, competitive costs and tailor-made solutions are the main benefits of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), tools capable of building strong, long-lasting partnerships with business and industrial clients.
Μήνυμα Διοίκησης
Εμείς στην Εnel Green Power, μέλος του Ομίλου Enel, ως παγκόσμιοι ηγέτες στις Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας, καθοδηγούμε την ενεργειακή μετάβαση στις πέντε ηπείρους στοχεύοντας σε έναν πλανήτη δίχως ορυκτά καύσιμα. Την ίδια στιγμή, εφαρμόζοντας το μοντέλο της «Δημιουργίας Αμοιβαίας Αξίας», συμβάλλουμε στην οικονομική και κοινωνική εξέλιξη των τοπικών κοινωνιών όπου δραστηριοποιούμαστε, προστατεύοντας και αναβαθμίζοντας παράλληλα τα επί μέρους οικοσυστήματα. Μάλιστα, ως Όμιλος, ήδη από το 2019 έχουμε ευθυγραμμίσει τις δεσμεύσεις μας για την αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής αλλαγής με τους παγκόσμιους στόχους βιώσιμης ανάπτυξη του Οργανισμού Ηνωμένων Εθνών.
Βασικός πυλώνας στην επιχειρηματική μας προσέγγιση παγκοσμίως, και κατ’ επέκταση στην Ελλάδα, αποτελεί η ενίσχυση της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης των τοπικών κοινωνιών, καθώς θεωρούμε ότι είναι απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση για μια πετυχημένη ενεργειακή μετάβαση χωρίς κοινωνικούς αποκλεισμούς. Αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που μιλάμε για βιώσιμη ενέργεια, διότι προνοούμε ώστε όλα τα βήματα προς την ενεργειακή μετάβαση να υπηρετούν τη βιωσιμότητα.
Με επενδύσεις που ξεπερνούν το 1 δις ευρώ στηρίζουμε σταθερά τη χώρα στην επίτευξη των ενεργειακών της στόχων από το 2008. Σήμερα, έχουμε εγκατεστημένη ισχύ άνω των 480MW, η οποία προέρχεται από αιολικά, ηλιακά και υδροηλεκτρικά έργα, και συνεχίζουμε να υλοποιούμε ένα συμπαγές αναπτυξιακό πλάνο με καινούργιες τεχνολογίες που θα επιταχύνει την αλλαγή του εγχώριου ενεργειακού μείγματος. Επίσης, πραγματοποιούμε δράσεις βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης σε όλη τη χώρα οι οποίες περιλαμβάνουν από σύγχρονα εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα και διοργάνωση αθλητικών εκδηλώσεων μέχρι υποστήριξη τοπικών παραγωγών και στοχευμένες δωρεές που απαντούν στις κοινωνικές και οικονομικές ανάγκες των περιοχών όπου λειτουργούμε πράσινα έργα.
Αριστοτέλης Χαντάβας, Επικεφαλής Ευρώπης για την Enel Green Power

ΕΤΗΣΙΟΣ ΤΖΙΡΟΣ: | Πάνω από 50 εκ. ευρώ |
Enel Green Power is the global Enel’s Group brand that manages more than 1,200 power plants on five continents and is present with assets in operation or under construction in 21 countries and development activities in a further 6 countries. It has around 50 GW of installed renewable capacity generated from a mix of resources, including wind, solar, hydroelectric and geothermal. EGP is playing a fundamental role in the energy transition, as it is one of the world’s leading renewable energy companies. Enel Green Power is present in Greece since 2008 operating 59 plants with 482 MW of installed wind capacity, hydro and solar power. The company incorporates in its strategy and business practices the principles of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, placing the outmost emphasis on safety at work, as well as contributing to the well-being of its employees and the neighboring local communities. Clean energy and sustainable projects, competitive costs and tailor-made solutions are the main benefits of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), tools capable of building strong, long-lasting partnerships with business and industrial clients. |
Chryssa Giannopoulou |
Βεβαίωση, η οποία δίνεται από το QualityNet, σχετικά με τη συμμόρφωση της επιχείρησης με το πλαίσιο αναφοράς του Ελληνικού Κώδικα Βιωσιμότητας. Επιβεβαιώνει το επίπεδο συμμόρφωσης και μαζί με τον Πίνακα Τεκμηρίωσης, που τη συνοδεύει, παρουσιάζει το εύρος απάντησης της επιχείρησης στα κριτήρια της Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης & της Υπεύθυνης Επιχειρηματικότητας. Η Δήλωση Συμμόρφωσης μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως ένα επίσημο έγγραφο, καθώς ουσιαστικά αποδεικνύει το εύρος της προσέγγισης του Οργανισμού στα θέματα Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης και Υπεύθυνης Επιχειρηματικότητας, να αναρτηθεί στον επίσημο ιστότοπο και να αποσταλεί σε Θεσμικούς & Κοινωνικούς Φορείς. Κατεβάστε τη Δήλωση Συμμόρφωσης του Οργανισμού.
1. Στρατηγική, Ανάλυση & Δράση
At the core of our development strategy is sustainability that is guiding us to every project phase and has allowed us to confirm our leadership in the energy transition in 2020, creating value for all stakeholders and continuing to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Enel Group has adopted a Creating Shared Value (CSV) model through a structured materiality analysis process. It is the process which, with the continuous and direct involvement of stakeholders, allows the priority issues for stakeholders to be identified and assessed, weighted based on their relevance, comparing them with the Group’s priorities and industrial strategy, considering the impacts suffered and generated on the economy, the environment, and on people, including the impacts on human rights.
Some of the main priority issues identified and analyzed cover all 17 SDGs in 2020 are listed below (the method used was developed taking into account the guidelines of several international standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRC), the AA1000AP AccountAbility standard (2018) and the SDG Compass, which supports companies in adapting their strategies to comply with the UN SDGs).
- Occupational health and safety
- Ecosystems and platforms
- Energy distribution
- Decarbonization of the energy mix
See attachment “Materiality matrix”.
Due to the nature of its business and its geographical distribution, the Enel Group is exposed to various types of ESG risk, identified within the reference framework relating to the risk categories adopted by Enel, which provides for six categories: strategic, financial, operational, governance & culture, digital technology, and compliance.
See attachments “Priorities & stakeholders involvement” and “Main risks and opportunities”.
Enel was one of the first companies in the world to integrate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the processes of defining strategies and reporting. Our Group has made a formal commitment in regard to 4 of the 17 goals: ensure access to clean and affordable energy (SDG 7), support educational projects (SDG 4), promote employment and inclusive economic growth (SDG 8), take action for carbon free energy by 2050 (SDG 13). The Group has therefore renewed its commitment to achieving the SDGs, placing SDG 13 “Action to combat climate change” at the center. As a leader in the energy transition, Enel wants to drive generation in the future towards an ever-increasing development of renewable energy (SDG 7 “Clean and affordable energy”) and the gradual phase out of coal-fired plants. Furthermore, in accordance with SDG 9 “Industry, innovation and infrastructure” and SDG 11 “Sustainable cities and communities”.
Taking into account the results of the materiality analysis and in synergy with the Strategic Plan, the Group therefore defines its Sustainability Plan divided into specific objectives over a three-year period. Every year, these objectives are updated and new targets are set to ensure continuous alignment with the business strategies and the results achieved, in order to increasingly integrate sustainability along the entire value chain.
The strategy for facing climate change
Capital employment is in fact centered on decarbonization, through the development of generation assets from renewable sources, in enabling infrastructure linked to the development of networks, and on the adoption of platform models, fully exploiting technological and digital evolution. The aim is to accelerate the decarbonization and electrification processes to allow the global warming containment goals to be achieved in accordance with the Paris Agreement. In November 2020 Enel presented the new Strategic Plan with a vision that arrives up to 2030, with its strategy focusing on the acceleration of the energy transition together with sustainable and remunerative growth to create a significant share value for customers, society and the environment, in addition to an interesting profit for shareholders over time.
Enel commits to ensure that the various industrial associations and think tanks to which it is a member operate in compliance with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Therefore, Enel systematically checks the consistency of the associations’ positions with the climate policies shared at Group level.
For what specifically concerns the European framework, in 2020 Enel engaged in various energy relevant associations (foremost Eurelectric, Wind Europe, Solar Power Europe, EASE, EDSO, SmartEn) and prestigious think tanks (Bruegel, Friends of Europe) as well as in some sustainability policy oriented initiatives, holding also relevant positions in their governance systems.
Some of the international associations with which Enel collaborated actively in 2020 are listed in the attached file “Associations”.
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Enel is committed to developing a business model in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement (COP 21) to limit the average increase in global temperature to less than 2 °C above pre-industrial levels (1850-1900) and to continue to limit this increase to 1,5 °C.
In October 2020 Enel announced a new objective of reducing its direct emissions of greenhouse gases per kWheq 80% by 2030, in comparison to the year of reference 2017, certified by SBTi and consistent with the purpose of limiting global warning to 1,5 °C. This new commitment requires that by 2030, the Group’s direct emissions are equal to 82 gCO2eq/kWh compared to 125 gCO2eq/kWh corresponding to the previous objective of a 70% reduction that was announced in 2019.
In order to guarantee increased transparency in its communications and relationships with its stakeholders, Enel periodically reports on its related activities in line with the international standards of the GRI and the SASB, and is publicly committed to adopting the recommendations of the TCFD of the Financial Stability Board. The Group has also integrated the “Guidelines on reporting climate-related information” published by the European Commission in June 2019.
As a “platform-based” operator, the Group will be able to take advantage of new opportunities to create value using two complementary business models:
- the Ownership business model
- the Stewardship business model
Values and pillars of company ethics
A solid and dynamic ethical system, constantly oriented towards implementing best practices on the national and international levels is the foundational element of the Enel system of values underpinning the Company’s operating assets, and of relations entertained with all its key stakeholders. A system based on compliance programs, including the Code of Ethics, Policy on Human Rights, the Zero Tolerance of Corruption Plan (“ZTC Plan”), Enel Global Compliance Program and national compliance model adopted, in accordance with local regulations.
Stakeholder reports
Any violation or suspected violation of the ethical system can be reported, also anonymously, through a single platform at Group level (“Ethics Point”), which is accessible at The Audit Function receives and analyses these reports, performing the related checks and ensuring uniform treatment at Group level, in compliance with company policies and local regulations.
Environmental risk analysis
In order to identify and minimize environmental risks related to our activities, we also apply a series of important assessment and intervention tools at Group level working in synergy to protect the environment.
- Group Policy for the classification and analysis of environmental accidents.
- Policy for assessing environmental risks and opportunities.
- Extra Checking on Site (ECoS) Policy. See also the chapter “Occupational health and safety”.
- Environmental assessment of suppliers.
ERA – Environmental Risk Assessment: During 2020 the process of environmental risk analysis was completely digitalized through the realization and adoption at Group level of an IT tool named ERA (Environmental Risk Assessment).
Internal Control and Risk Management System: Enel adopts a governance model in line with best risk management practices, which involves:
Transparency in institutional processes
Enel constantly manages relations with institutions (local, national, European, and international) in line with the Enel Compliance Program, providing complete and transparent information with the aim of placing institutional counterparts in the best possible position to make the decisions within the sphere of their competence. Enel also contributes to the consultation processes regarding political and legislative dossiers on energy and environmental issues. In the context of relations with European institutions, Enel actively contributes to every phase of the consultation process on political and legislative dossiers of corporate interest through careful monitoring and analysis.
The Enel Group has been enrolled in the EU voluntary transparency register since its creation in 2008. (¬
In line with the provisions of the Code of Ethics, Enel does not finance political parties, their representatives or candidates, nor does it sponsor conventions or events whose sole purpose is political propaganda.
Key milestones
Please see attachment “Key milestones”.
For more information please visit the "2020 Sustainability Report",
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2. Ουσιαστικότητα
The 2020 Sustainability Report is addressed to the Enel Group’s stakeholders and is designed to present the actions taken in pursuit of the Group’s sustainability goals and thus to respond to the legitimate expectations of all stakeholders.
Enel Green Power Hellas identified the issues using the Materiality tools created from the Group’s Sustainability Department. The issues subject to the 2020 materiality analysis were defined on the basis of several aspects, including company policies and rules of conduct, stakeholder feedback initiatives, the issues of greatest interest for sustainability rating agencies, industry benchmarking studies and the Company’s strategic orientation. The various units responsible for relations with stakeholders, involved in the analysis process each year, are tasked with identifying and updating the list of significant stakeholder categories to draw up a complete list of current and potential stakeholders and to ensure constant alignment with the sustainability context in which the company operates. The methodology adopted involves an annual update to the results achieved in the previous year and, every two years, an analysis to determine a possible revision of the issues and categories of stakeholders subject to analysis, to take account of any changes in the context in which the Company operates.
The assignment of relevance to stakeholders’ process involves constant, direct participation by the Company’s external and internal stakeholders, including its top managers, through one-on-one interviews, surveys and other tools. In 2020, the stakeholder categories identification and prioritization process benefited from the involvement of top management of all the Business Lines, which evaluated the relevance of the categories by means of a survey administered by the Holding Company’s Sustainability unit, based on the following parameters:
> dependence
> influence
> urgency
In addition, the various units involved each year in the analysis process and those responsible for relations with stakeholders are tasked with engaging them according to the most appropriate methods in view of the communications channels (generic, specific and participatory), the type of relations with the group concerned, and the reference context.
The aspects investigated within the context of the materiality analysis are, from the stakeholders’ perspective, the relative importance of each issue in their perceptions and the ‘direction’ of their expectations, and, from the Company’s perspective, the level of the impact of the issues on its business strategies.
Since 2016, Enel has integrated the process of assessing the level of stakeholder satisfaction in relation to their expectations with respect to the issues subject to analysis: the results achieved, compared with the priorities assigned by stakeholders, allow us to obtain an overview of stakeholder expectations and help to identify the issues on which the Company needs to focus. These results are shown in the attached “Expectations Matrix”..
The materiality of the various issues in the company’s strategies was assessed through the involvement of the various company Functions and submitted to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer by means of a specific interview and administration of a dedicated online survey. This analysis reflects the guidelines set down in the 2021-2023 Strategic Plan, the goals of the Functions/Business Lines, and the commitments assumed by the Group through its policies and rules of conduct.
The “Materiality issues for stakeholders” table attached, summarizes the results, representing, for the three material issues identified by stakeholders, the main risks borne, the main positive and negative impacts generated by the Company in relation to the external context, the reference SDGs for impacts that create value for the community and/or the environment, and the strategies and performance adopted by the Company.
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For more information see attached files and visit the “2020 Sustainability report”,
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Methological Note
3. Στοχοθέτηση
The mission of Enel Green Power is to open access to electricity for more people, open the world of energy to new technology, open up the new uses of energy, open up the new ways of managing energy for people and open up to new partnerships.
Sustainability is embedded in our strategy, with a view to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Therefore, we’ve set specific targets and identify the proper key performance indicators (KPIs) in order to reassure the achievement of the targets.
Enel group committed to achieve:
- 80% reduction in the direct greenhouse emissions per KWh by 2030 compared to 2017 levels
- 5mln beneficiaries at 2030 for SDG 4 Quality Education
- 20mln beneficiaries at 2030 for SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy
- 8mln beneficiaries at 2030 for SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
These targets are cascaded to the different countries and each country makes its own contribution.
Enel Green Power Hellas is fully aligned with the Group priorities focuses on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Key features are the indicators (KPIs) of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Sustainability across the entire value chain, not only for ex post evaluation but rather to anticipate decisions and reinforce a proactive rather than reactive approach.
Enel Green Power Hellas has the following KPIs in line with the Group targets such as:
- Development of additional renewable capacity (MW) related to SDG 7
- H&S e ENV Extra Checking on Site (ECoS) related to SDG 3
- Definition of a quantitative target relating the use reduction of fresh and potable water for industrial use related to SDG 6
- Enhancing the Sustainability culture within our Business Line through Local Training programmes on Sustainability addressed to our employees related to SDGs 4 and 8
- of corporate volunteering projects involving employees related to various SDGs depending on the volunteering program
- beneficiaries of SDG4 projects
- beneficiaries of SDG7 projects
- beneficiaries of SDG8 projects
KPIs related to SDG 5:
- Equal remuneration ratio manager (ERR Manager)
- Gender – % of Manager and Middle Manager women
- Gender - % Manager women (includes Top Manager)
- Gender - % Middle Manager women
KPIs related to SDG 12:
- ZERO Plastics Project - Reduction of single-use plastics
- Increase in the fraction of hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste sent for recovery
- SUS K Library – promoting the application of sustainability k factors in eligible awarded tenders
- Vendor Rating – promoting the evaluation of the suppliers on sustainability aspects
- of new Circular Economy projects on business related activities
- of new projects to enhance the Circular Economy culture to local communities
The above KPIs every year are reviewed and updated if needed or additional KPIs are added in order to reassure our constant commitment to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
All KPIs are reported to the Sustainability Planning and Performance Management and Human Rights unit which is responsible to collect, verify and process all KPIs. The same unit is also responsible for consolidating information and coordinating the entire sustainability report process. Independent auditing companies are involved in the process and the information provided is subject to auditing.
In addition to the above, in 2019 Enel launched the first SDG-linked bonds in the world, with the interest rate dependent on the achievement of ambitious decarbonization objectives and on the strengthening of renewable generation, marking the start of the sustainability-linked bond market. During 2020 Enel extended the sustainability-linked approach to all its debt instruments by publishing the “Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework”, an all-encompassing document that governs the link between sustainability and loans, credit lines, commercial papers, and bond issues. Two Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”) were selected for the framework: reduction of Scope 1 greenhouse gases and increase in generation from renewable sources in accordance with SDG 13 “Action to combat climate change” and 7 “Affordable and clean energy”. More information on the sustainable finance approach can be found in pages 20 – 21 of the Sustainability Report (also attached here)
Due to the above, ESG analysts and international rating agencies monitor Enel’s sustainability performance constantly. Through the application of different methodologies, analysts assess Group performance in relation to environmental, social and governance topics that may be of significance for the financial community. ESG ratings are therefore deemed to be a strategic tool to support investors and identify risks and opportunities linked to the sustainability in their investment portfolio, aiding the development of active and passive sustainable investment strategies.
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Performance Indicators
In 2020, in Greece 8.664 people from local communities were benefited from our initiatives. Specifically, the beneficiaries for:
- SDG 3 were 2309
- SDG 11 were 6011
- SDG 8 were 265
- SDGs 4, 2, 15 were 55
Health & Safety:
In 2020 we had 0 accidents, achieving more that 3.000 days without accidents in EGPH.
- In 2020 we had 0 Environmental Accidents.
- Biodiversity projects on going
- Reforestation projects on going
- Improve Waste management by insert in new contract as prerequisite to recover all hazardous waste
Our people: % of women
- Executives & Managers: 22%
- Regular employees: 36%
Specific KPIs for Greece can also be found at page 333 – 335 (also attached), 345 of the Sustainability Report
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4. Διαχείριση της Αλυσίδας Αξίας (value chain)
The Group’s Sustainable Development Model and Corporate Responsibility Standards
The Enel Group is committed to specific numbers to help achieve 4 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These goals are:
- Objective 4: Quality education
- Objective 7: Cheap and clean energy
- Objective 8: Decent work and economic development and
- Objective 13: Climate action
Globally, the Enel Group has installed renewable energy projects with a total capacity of 46,000 MW in more than 28 countries and has carried out more than 200 sustainable development projects in local communities with more than 155,000 beneficiaries.
Sustainability in EGP business
Enel Green Power Hellas, as a company of the Enel group, exploits the global network of research and innovation developed by the group. The exchange of practices with other countries within the group allows the utilization of this experience and the implementation of innovative projects that contribute to the economic and social development of the areas where we build and operate our projects always with respect for the environment. Sustainability practices are now an integral part of a project from the design phase to its implementation and operation.
Specifically, in Greece the company has been active since 2008 and has projects with an installed capacity of 470 MW. In parallel with the construction and operation of our parks, we carry out development activities for local communities. The actions mainly concern the education of people in technical issues but also environmental and social issues, promotion of local products, development of a sustainable tourism model and actions that support the long-term economic development of local communities and highlight the importance of developing renewable energy projects.
In the years of its presence in Greece, the company has invested 12,500,000 euros in local communities and has educated 2,000 students through its educational programs.
Our proactive approach is structured to pinpoint opportunities to create shared value between the company and the territories where we operate. The result is creating energy that’s not only renewable but above all, sustainable: renewables that bring economic, social and environmental benefits thanks to the integration of the shared value creation model (CSV) in the value chain extended to suppliers and customers and leveraging the Circular Economy.
The process involves all different stakeholders (suppliers, sub-suppliers) and occurs every step of the process (business development, engineering and construction, operation and maintenance, decommissioning). In particular:
- Sustainable procurement: tender requirements, SUS K factor (sustainability KPIs), environmental product declaration, supplier performance manager
- Sustainable design and construction site: sustainability requirements and metrics in plant design & construction to minimize the environmental impacts maximize the social benefits while maintaining economic competitiveness
- Sustainable plant: Sustainability practices during operational phase
- Circular Economy: Application of a circular economy model focusing on plants life extension, circular inputs increase & the redesign of requirements & processes along the value chain
Below are some benefits based on the company's policy for sustainable development and support of the local communities where it develops its projects:
- Invest in people in local communities by training them to acquire skills that could help them find work in the future
- Investing in the new generation by educating children of all ages in schools on environmental issues but also on social issues, contributing to the awareness and activation of the new generation that will become the ambassador and founder of a better and more sustainable planet
- Contribute to quality education and life of local communities with donations that cover specific shortcomings
- Donations to local communities materials we use during construction such as water tanks that can be used by locals to meet water and forest firefighting needs, medical equipment that was on site during construction, pallets that can be used by locals for to meet various needs etc
- Reforestation in the context of the company's environmental commitments
- Utilization of human resources by local communities during the construction and operation of projects
- Improvement of existing infrastructure and creation of new ones that are necessary for the construction and operation of the projects and at the same time cover the needs of the local communities
The company intends to analyze the needs and particularities of each area that will be active. In cooperation with local agencies we will propose and support actions that result in strengthening the local economy. Such actions may be related to the promotion and support of local products, the promotion of archaeological sites that can attract tourists to the area, the development of alternative forms of tourism, support for local events that highlight the area nationally and attract visitors.
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Sustainable Supply Chain
5. Υπευθυνότητα
Our governance structure is inspired by international best practices and permeates the various business, decision- making and operational processes along the entire value chain, in order to create long-term sustainable value for the Company and for all our stakeholders.
The integration of environmental, social and governance factors is guaranteed by means of structured processes across the whole Group that involve sustainability context analysis, identification of priorities for the Company and its stakeholders, sustainability planning, execution of specific actions to support sustainability objectives, reporting and management of ESG ratings and sustainability indices, as well as the management of the main national and international sustainability networks.
A key element of the outlined approach is the adoption of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) sustainability indicators throughout the entire chain of value, not merely for the assessment of the results achieved, but above all to anticipate decisions and guide our actions. Enel has an ongoing commitment to the management and measurement of its performance in terms of all relevant aspects, addressing economic, business and ESG issues in reporting its operations and defining the objectives underpinning its strategy.
This model is fully in line with the requirements of the United Nations’ Global Compact, of which Enel has been an active member since 2004, which stress the importance of ever-increasing integration of sustainability throughout all corporate strategies. With the Enel Chief Executive Officer sitting on the Global Compact Board of Directors, absolute compliance with these requirements is further guaranteed.
During 2020, Enel was a member of two working groups set up by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), one of them being the “Project task force on climate-related reporting”, which ended with the presentation of a report entitled “How to improve climate-related reporting” in February 2020. The main aim was to analyze and identify good corporate reporting practices as regards both the financial impacts of climate risk on companies and the impact of the activities of companies on the environment (known as double materiality) taking into consideration the needs of users and those who prepare the reports. The collaboration with EFRAG continued through the Company’s involvement in the work of the “Project task force on preparatory work for the elaboration of possible EU non-financial reporting standards”. The task force is responding to an official request for technical advice from the European Commission for the development of potential non-financial reporting standards which could be part of a review of the European directive on non-financial information. Furthermore, also in 2020, Enel became a member of the Global Sustainability Standards Board, the independent body that has the exclusive responsibility of developing and issuing the GRI Standards.
Τhe organizational and corporate governance model defines specific tasks and responsibilities for which the Company’s main governance bodies are responsible, guaranteeing that sustainability issues are appropriately taken into consideration during all important company decision-making processes and more importantly reported to the public.
The Board of Directors, the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee , the Control and Risks Committee , the Nomination and Compensation Committee, the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, the Innovability (Innovation and Sustainability) Function, the Global Business Lines, Countries, Global Service Functions and Holding Functions integrate ESG factors into their decision-making and operating processes, to create sustainable value in the long term, thanks to the presence of dedicated Sustainability structures in all Countries, Business Lines and Global Service Functions. At the local level, the expectations of the various stakeholders are identified, and specific sustainability plans defined, in line with the Group strategy.
In addition, Enel was an early issuer of green bonds and was the first in the world to issue the SDG-Linked Bonds in September 2019 an event that marked the beginning of the Sustainability-Linked Bond market. This means that our sustainability strategy and performance are constantly monitored and rated by ESG analysts and international rating agencies.
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6. Κανόνες & Διαδικασίες
Sustainable Development is an integral part of Enel Group business strategy, while the Principles of Sustainable Development determine its operation. The Group operates responsibly with a commitment to the corporate vision and respect for the wider society and the natural environment, while the development of important synergies, in this context, is vital for the fulfillment of the company's goals, in line with the context of its values. To this end, it implements and develops procedures, policies, tools and mechanisms for managing corporate risk and regulatory compliance, human rights and business continuity.
In order to ensure efficiency and compliance with the existing legal framework, Enel Green Power Hellas applies a set of rules and procedures to ensure the smooth implementation of its strategy for Sustainable Development, safeguard the smooth operation of the company as well as the implementation of its sustainability plan. The specific procedures include collaborations with external audit bodies and legal services as well as internal monitoring and control procedures in order to prevent environmental, occupational, financial and operational risk.
For this scope, has in place an Integrated Management System (IMS) which includes the following certifications:
- Quality Management System (according to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard). By supporting and implementing this model we improve our resource management, strengthen our relationships with our stakeholders and upgrade our company operations by motivating our employees to be aware of quality management issues.
- Environmental Management System (according to the ISO 14001: 2015 standard), which guide us how to minimize Companies environmental impact, improve our environmental performance, streamline the way we handle and dispose the waste and it helps put robust procedures in place to conserve our resources and save money.
- Occupational Health and Safety Management System (according to ISO 45001: 2018) which enable the organization to provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work related injury and ill health, as well as by proactively improving its Organization Health & Safety performance.
- Anti-Bribery Management System (according to ISO 37001: 2016) that help the organization to prevent, detect and respond to bribery and comply with anti-bribery laws and voluntary commitments applicable to its activities.
All the procedures that arise from the above certifications are accessible to all personnel through companies' internal intranet and where is necessary specific trainings have been organized accordingly. Furthermore, each year an internal audit performed in order to verify the compliance with the IMS and specific actions for improvement are take place if needed.
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In Enel Green Power Hellas the following policies are adopted.
- Policy on Human Rights (attached)
- Zero Tolerance of Corruption Plan (attached)
- Enel Global Compliance Program ( )
- Integrated Management Systems (IMS) (attached)
- Biodiversity Policy (
- Environmental Policy (attached)
- Stop Work Policy (attached)
- Antibribery Policy (attached)
For more information on the above and the relevant GRI criteria please visit the “2020 Sustainability Report”,
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Anti-Bribery Policy Λήψη Environmental Policy Λήψη Human Rights Policy Λήψη IMS Policy Λήψη Stop Work Policy Λήψη Zero tolerance of corruption plan
7. Καταγραφή και παρακολούθηση (monitoring)
As part of our Sustainable Development Strategy, we recognize as essential and focus on those issues that significantly influence the judgment and decisions of our stakeholders and those directly related to our economic, social and environmental impacts.
Based on the International standards for the preparation of Sustainable development reports (GRI standards), we proceeded to an analysis of the materiality of these issues, with the participation of internal stakeholders as well as those responsible for relations with stakeholders.
The analysis of priorities (“materiality analysis”) makes it possible to identify and assess material issues for stakeholders, weighted on the basis of their relevance, correlating them with the Group’s priorities and with the business strategy, considering impacts generated and suffered, in order to check their “alignment” (or “misalignment”) and identify areas of possible improvement.
The methodology employed was developed taking into account the guidelines of several international standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board), standard AA1000APS and the SDG Compass, which supports companies in adapting their strategies to comply with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, the issues subject to analysis cover all 17 SDGs.
In addition, the most important data and indicators of the Group's activities related to Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility are monitored in the context of the implementation of international standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001.
In the context of the strategy for tackling climate change and reducing CO2 emissions, basic KPIs for which specific targets have been set and monitored periodically are the following:
- Reduction of specific CO2 emissions: -80% in 2030 compared to 2017 (82 gCO2eq/kWh)2
- Approximately +96 GW additional renewable capacity in 2021-2030 (Includes managed capacity. The value of the additional consolidated capacity is 2.9 GW in 2020.). In Greece, EGPH is currently developing a pipeline of 1.5GW.
- Sustainable construction site – promoting the adoption of the sustainable construction model (sustainable construction sites/total new construction sites): 100% renewable construction sites by 2023. This is applicable for all countries, also Greece.
- Sustainable plant - promoting the adoption of the sustainable plant model: 100% by 2023. This is applicable for all countries, also Greece.
In addition, health & safety indicators (GRI 403 to GRI 404-1) are monitored and certified, such as injury rates, occupational diseases, lost workdays and absenteeism and number of fatal occupational accidents, by region & sex and type of injury.
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"Sustainable Construction Site model”
The afore mentioned Standard is embedded in EGP CSV (Creating Shared Value) model to the business and provides support to the company for sustainable choices and approaches in project development, design, construction and operation, focusing on the protection of the environment, the rational use of resources, the attention to health and safety, innovation, circular economy and to stakeholder interests. Via this Standard metrics and criteria provided to carry out constant assessment and monitoring of the work undertaken so as to generate continuous improvement mechanisms.
During the Construction phase some KPIs will be used to measure the seven Sustainable Aspects (People/Territory/Safety, Emissions/Climate, Energy, Materials, Water, Waste, Biodiversity) that will be linked to 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations to the Indicators of G4 Guidelines issued by the Global Sustainability Standards. These aspects contain economic, environmental and social performance.
“Sustainable plant”: specific KPIs are linked to the sustainable construction plant in order to achieve the targets mentioned above for operational plants. Periodical reporting is required. The purpose of the adoption of this model is to implement sustainable practices in the operational projects in order to improve energy efficiency, environmental impact and increase the social footprint of our projects in the local communities.
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8. Πολιτικές Αμοιβών και κίνητρα για τη Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη
Compensation policy
The compensation policy according to the group’s policies is closely linked and aligned with Enel Green Power Hellas (EGPH) strategy, culture and values. The annual salary review is a formal opportunity to recognize the work, performance and impact that each employee has on the organization. In comparison with a Benchmark analysis prepared by the independent consultant Mercer, every employee, after completing 12 months in EGPH, is entitled to an annual review of his salary base, which may or may not lead to a salary increase.
All greek employees are entitled to a bonus, depending on their performance which, can reach 120% of their bonus base. Based on the process, the objectives are set centrally and are then differentiated by department.
In addition to the Incentive Bonus, the company provides the following benefits that substantially support greek employees and their families:
- Medical insurance: All employees
- Life insurance: All employees
- Pension plan: All permanent employees
- Ticket restaurant: 132€/month
- Kindergarten: 3.000€/year
- Ticket compliments card for wedding: 200€
- Ticket compliments card for birth: 150€
- Gift for newborn babies: 60€
- Ticket compliments card for Christmas: 200€
- Easter gas allowance: 150€
- Corporate cars (for Managers and operation engineers)
- Gym allowance: 150€/year
- One day-off for birthdays & birthday cake
- When kids’ employees enter Greek universities with a score higher than 16/20 or the equivalent score for foreign universities a gift voucher of Euro 200 will be offered to the employee
- Hospitalization: Flowers up to Euro 60€
- In the unfortunate event of loss of close relative all employees are entitled for additional day off and 100 euros for donation or flowers for the funeral
A number of factors are taken into consideration when determining salary bases including among others:
- Group’s policies and general guidelines
- Employee’s contribution to the organization, The experience and skills of the employees
- Annual evaluation
- Critical roles within the organization – meaning that there are several positions which considered very important for the operation of the company and should be remunerated accordingly.
- Gender gap equality- on an annual base we perform comparisons among all employees emphasizing on equality between levels and genders.
- We receive on a year basis specific targets related to recruitment of female personnel and we try to realize them.
- Safety is the most important drive of our company and is included in almost all the incentive targets for all the departments even if they are exposed on risks or not.
In an effort to highlight the young and talented greek employees, but also to enhance their development, efficiency and stay in the organization, it was decided to create a working group, YOUR VOICE (Your Voice), through which all employees will be able to express their opinion on issues that concern them every day, but also to propose new innovative ideas.
The goal of this group is to create ambassadors who will be proud to work at Enel Green Power and will have the responsibility to improve its processes, develop the company and propose ideas that will help in everyday life and the work environment. They also have the opportunity to socialize with the CEO, discuss and share thoughts and concerns with him regarding the future of the company. Enthusiasm, dedication and creativity are the three most prevalent characteristics of every meeting that takes place every three (3) weeks with different employees that take part each time. In these meetings, in addition to the members of the team, the CEO and the Personnel Manager participate. There, all the proposals of the participants are presented and developed, while through an open dialogue, the positive and negative points of each proposal are presented. Then the final evaluation and voting of the ideas by the whole group takes place, followed by the final approval and their implementation. In addition, the team is given the opportunity to access confidential information that only the Management had so far, and to co-decide / participate in the strategy of future actions and business ideas. All proposals are implemented immediately and are promoted throughout the company, and the business ideas proposed are evaluated with a business plan and presented to the headquarters in Italy for further approvals. In order for everyone to be able to suggest ideas, an e-mail has been created to [email protected], to which everyone can send their thoughts, to be discussed in the established meetings.
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Your Voice
For 2020 in Greece the payroll cost was 7.973.151€ and the cost related to benefits was 707.791€.
The relevant GRI indexes are 102 – 28| 102-35|102 – 36|102-37 and more information you can find in the attached file “Remuneration policy”.
For more information on compliance with GRI 102-35a, 102 – 28| 102-35|102 – 36|102-37 and 401 criteria please visit pages 239 and 323 of the “2020 Sustainability Report”,
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Remuneration Policy
9. Διάλογος με τα Ενδιαφερόμενα Μέρη
Through a sustainable business model based on clear and challenging objectives, the Group confirms its leading role in promoting and accelerating the energy transition, with an inclusive approach and leaving no one behind, creating long-term value for all stakeholders.
The materiality analysis is the process which, with the continuous and direct involvement of stakeholders, allows the priority issues for stakeholders to be identified and assessed, weighted based on their relevance, comparing them with the Group’s priorities and industrial strategy, considering the impacts suffered and generated on the economy, the environment, and on people, including the impacts on human rights. The result of this analysis is presented in the Group’s priorities’ matrix (or materiality matrix - attached the one for 2020), which gives a comprehensive view of all the Company’s stakeholders, providing a complete sustainability disclosure, as well as an integrated representation of the Company’s contribution to sustainable development. Furthermore, applying the so-called “primary users” filter – corresponding to the “financial community” stakeholder – it is possible to highlight the issues that have a greater direct impact on the value of the company. The result of the analysis therefore helps to identify and define the objectives to be included in the Strategic Plan and the Sustainability Plan - to the achievement of which the Group’s various Functions and Business Lines contribute - and the topics to be covered in the Sustainability Report.
The issues are classified into categories of business and governance matters, social matters, and environmental topics and represented by the priorities assigned by stakeholders and the Company. During last year there has also been a significant decrease in the use of “self-assessment”, which now stands at 2% (in 2015 it was 64%) of the total of the various types of involvement envisaged, making the analysis increasingly objective and detailed. The process allows the priorities for the Group as a whole and for each country, down to the individual Business Line/ Corporate Function and individual assets (understood as a potential or effective operating site), to be identified. Then, the expectations of the various stakeholders are identified, and specific sustainability plans defined, in line with the Group strategy.
We promote the dialogue with the key stakeholders to increase their awareness and develop a constructive dialogue that can provide a valuable contribution toward the creation of solutions that mitigate climate change and create value for the Group. The most relevant actions carried out in 2020 include:
- materiality analysis: climate change, in terms of priority for stakeholders and Company performance in the various countries in which it operates, was one of the topics covered when identifying the main priorities for the stakeholders for sustainability planning;
- Enel Focus On: over the last year, two virtual meetings were held with the main players and influencers to start an open dialogue with Group management on the main challenges of energy transition. Various climate related topics were addressed, such as renewable energies and the green technologies to guide the recovery from the economic crisis related to Covid-19 and the role of the circular economy in the sustainable development of cities;
- social media: Enel has continued using social media to raise public awareness about topics related to climate change, including decarbonization, renewable energies, electrification, electric mobility and responsible energy consumption;
- Twenergy: a digital ecosystem launched by Endesa, Group subsidiary operating in Spain, with the objective of encouraging responsible energy consumption by collecting the opinions of experts on energy efficiency through articles, digital meetings and by supporting various sector initiatives;
- raising the awareness of local communities: with the Creating Shared Value (CSV) model, Enel is involving local communities, making them aware of topics connected to climate change and explaining how renewables are an extremely effective solution, with benefits not only for the environment but also for the creation of new jobs and for social-economic development;
- raising the awareness of our people: Enel involves all the people that work for the Company in awareness activities in order to increase their involvement in climate change aspects and promote a culture of innovation and business entrepreneurship on a global level to overcome the energy challenges. Enel Days 2020, which are annual company events, promoted discussions and exchanges about topics such as electrification, decarbonization, digitalization and urbanization. The main priorities of the Strategic Plan for the next three years were presented, in line with what was communicated to the financial community during the Capital Markets Day.
See also the attachment "Involvement of the stakeholders".
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Involvement of the Stakeholders Λήψη Materiality Matrix
The method used for the materiality analysis is based on guidelines from several international standards including the Global Reporting initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRC), the AA1000AP AccountAbility standard (2018) and the SDG Compass.
In 2020, the stakeholders engaged in this process were identified as per their respective relevance. The main parameters of relevance are:
Dependence importance of the relationship for the stakeholder
Influence importance of the relationship for the Company
Urgency temporal dimension of the relationship.
Below we included the main stakeholders, the communication and involvement channels and the priority issues identified for each of them. In the last column is the chapter of the Sustainability report in which the Company gives the answer to the issues identified by the stakeholders mentioning the actions adopted in this direction. Pages referre to the specific page in the "2020 Sustainability report",
Stakeholder |
Communication & involvement channels |
Main high/very high priority issues for the stakeholders |
Our response in the chapters of the report |
Business community |
direct contacts forums working groups dedicated meetings |
occupational health & safety environmental engagement sustainable supply chain |
“Occupational health & safety (p.194)” “Environmental sustainability (p.206)” “Sustainable supply chain (p.182)” |
Customers |
agents mobile app web channel social media surveys working groups |
Environmental management Customer focus Innovation & digital transformation
“Environmental sustainability (p.206)” “Electification, digital and platforms (p.86)” “Innovation” “Digital supports and cyber security (p.154)” |
Financial communities |
Web channel Direct contacts Investor Day Roadshow |
Ecosystems & platforms Sound governance & fair corporate conduct Decarbonization of the energy mix |
“Electification, digital and platforms (p.86)” “Sound governance (p.234)” “Net-zero ambition (p.38)” |
Institutions |
Reporting channel Web channel Press releases Direct contacts Social media |
Decarbonisation of the energy mix Environmental engagement Energy distribution |
“Net-zero ambition (p.38)” “Environmental sustainability (p.206)” “Electrification, digital and platforms (p.86)” |
Civil society & local communities |
Reporting channel Web channel Press release Direct contacts Social media |
Energy distribution Innovation & digital transformation Sustainable supply chain |
“Electification, digital and platforms (p.86)” “Innovation (p.144)” “Digital supports and cyber security (p.154)” “Sustainable supply chain (p.182)” |
Media |
Press releases Direct contacts Dedicated meetings Roadshow Social media |
Decarbonisation of the energy mix Economic & financial value creation Sustainable supply chain |
“Net-zero ambition (p.38)” “Sustainable supply chain (p.182)” |
Employees |
Reporting channel Forums Working groups Fact-finding interviews Intranet Newsletter Company magazine Survey |
Occupational health & safety Customer focus Decarbonization of the energy mix |
“Net-zero ambition (p.38)” “Occupational health & safety (p. 194)” “Electrification, digital and platforms (p.86)” |
Suppliers & contractors |
Web channel Direct contracts Forums Working groups Dedicated meetings |
Occupational health & safety Sound governance & fair corporate conduct People management, development and motivation |
“Occupational health & safety (p.194)” “Sound governance (p.234)” “Our people (p.104)” |
In addition to all the above, locally in Greece when a project under development is in advance stage, we prepare a Socio economic and environmental context analysis in which a detailed screening and mapping of the local stakeholders is provided and through interviews with the identified stakeholders the specific needs of the area around the project are recognised. Based on this information a Creating shared value plan dedicated to the area of the project is developed including specific projects that will minimize our environmental footprint in the area and maximize our contribution to the long term development of the area.
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10. Προϊοντική Υπευθυνότητα και Καινοτομία
“Sustainability is our goal and innovation is our tool to achieve it”.
We innovate in order to create the conditions to be more sustainable. These two concepts that go hand in hand, and which merge in the word Innovability®, defined for the first time by us and which demonstrates the degree to which one deeply permeates the other.
We want to innovate to safeguard the environment, but also to create conditions of equality and inclusion for those who otherwise would have fewer possibilities, including from a work related perspective. In Enel, we identify the most innovative solutions to meet the main challenges of sustainable development as well as the 17 SDGs of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, both in line with and as a support for the Group’s Strategic Plan.
In order to promote innovative solutions, we have created new instruments, such as, a crowdsourcing platform for gathering the best solutions, the Innovation Academy and the Idea Factory to leverage the interaction and development of creativity and entrepreneurship within the Company. In addition, a global network of Innovation Hubs and Labs is present in order to make contact with start-ups and other stakeholders present in the innovation ecosystems around the world.
There is a variety of products and service that have been developed by the Group and also which are currently under development. All the details of the different products and services can be found in the “Sustainability Report 2020” in the chapter of Innovation. However it is important to mention that Enel Green Power patents aim to:
- Increase the production efficiency of the plants
- Improve the environmental sustainability of the plants
- Digitalizing the operating processes.
For all the above purposes, the Group collaborates with various research institutions and universities in many different countries. In the case of Greece, there exists collaboration with different universities and technical schools. The latest and very important collaboration has been recently established with the University of Western Macedonia, located in on of the regions in transition. The challenge of the energy transition is a trivial process for all the lignite and coal regions of Europe and great effort is required in order to address all economic and social threats. Enel Green Power is supporting all efforts by developing projects and the region and has established this collaboration with the local University in order to combine the knowledge and expertise in order to help the region achieve a smooth and successful transition. Within the scope of the established collaboration, there is also the development of an innovation hub and an energy community that will focus on providing innovative solutions (including renewable energy, green hydrogen, creating shared value for the local community, etc) for a sustainable future.
With regards to environmental footprint, the generation of electricity has always played a key role in climate change, as the use of fossil fuels is a considerable source of greenhouse gas emissions. Technological development, in particular in the area of renewable energies, has however completely transformed this scenario by making electricity one of the main solutions for reducing the carbon footprint world-wide. Enel is aware of these impacts and implements specific actions to minimize them, promoting the decarbonization of the energy system and the electrification of the energy demand. As a result this reduces the greenhouse gas emissions along the entire value chain. Important results were also achieved in terms of environmental sustainability through a reduction of all other polluting emissions, water requirements and waste produced, which led to the previous objectives set for 2030 being exceeded and therefore redefined. By reducing its consumption of materials and energy and paying increasing attention to the circularity of resources, the Group is reducing its overall footprint in environmental terms.
With regards to social impacts, Enel is following the Creating Shared Value (CSV) model in all plants it develops and operates which has been elaborated in detail in other parts of the current document.
More information on the Innovation approach of the Group in the attached file and the "2020 Sustainability Report",
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Innovation
Enel group in 2020 launched 111 innovation projects globaly.
In Greece, Enel Green Power Hellas developed in 2020 the following innovation projects:
- agrivoltaics: an ongoing initiative in 2 pv plants in Greece to find the best farming and animal husbandry solutions to integrate with large photovoltaic plants, in order to foster sustainable land management.
- weather resilient plant - anti icing methods initiative: implemented in one wind park facing very low temperatures.
- installation of meteo stations at the intake of our hydro plants in order to share these data with the local authorities and the Hellenic National Meteorological Service.
- robot for grass cutting
More innovation initiatives are planned for 2021.
As mentioned in Criterion 12, Enel Green Power Hellas has a minor impact within Enel Group, however we're constantly improving in order to achieve better results. In Greece we set a local target of 10% annual improvement on energy and water consumption. Also, since in Greece we only have renewable projects we have very few emmisions (eg. related to building that also in 2020 were closed due to COVID).
For more information on the above and how we comply with GRI 302 criteria please see the attached and visit the "2020 Sustainability report".
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη GRI 302
11. Χρήση Φυσικών Πόρων
The protection of the environment and of natural resources, as well as the need to combat climate change is for Enel Group strategic factors in the planning, operation and development of its activities for promoting sustainable economic development in the communities where the organization has presence, as well as key factors for consolidating the Company’s leadership in the energy market.
The systematic monitoring of the developments in the technological field, in the environmental and energy legislation, as well as the active participation in the relevant information and consultation processes, contribute significantly to the implementation of the Enel Group strategy for sustainable development, along with environmental investments as well as continuing education programs. The above results in remarkable performance, in areas such as the reduction of gaseous emissions, the efficient management of water and other natural resources, the reduction of energy consumption and the reduction of CO2 emissions.
For this reason, in 1996 adopted a Group Environmental Policy, updated in 2018, that is adopted throughout the Company’s structure and in the entire value chain.
Moreover, in 2019, Enel introduced an environmental reporting system called Enel Data on Environment (EDEN). This is an advanced, easy-to-use, and robust tool that collects and manages environmental data whilst also supporting the management of environmental improvement strategies across the various divisions, in addition to collecting all the environmental data for the annual Sustainability Report of all the Group companies.
Optimal waste management is a strategic objective of our environmental policy, which results in a constant commitment to the reduction of waste production, as well as to the definition of new methods of reuse, recycling and recovery in the perspective of a circular economy.
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Environmental Policy
The relevant GRI criteria complying with are:
GRI 302 -1 Energy consumption
GRI 303 -1 Water consumption
GRI 306 -2 Hazardous and non hazardous wastes as defined in the European legislation, table on “hazardous wastes” attached.
For Greece the relevant amounts are reported in the table below and they include consumption related to all EGPH premises, operational parks and construction sites during 2020.
Environmental KPI |
Production 2020 |
Total Energy consumption |
135.616 Mwh |
Total Water consumption |
1000 m3 |
Non Hazardous Waste (paper, aluminium,plastic,glass) recycled |
2 tn |
Hazardous Waste recycled/recovered |
11.968 tn |
For more information on the above and the relevant GRI criteria please visit the “2020 Sustainability Report”,
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Hazardous wastes
12. Διαχείριση Πόρων
The main goal of Enel Group remains the continuous improvement of the environmental performance in sector such as the reduction of the environmental impact throughout the life cycle of the product, the rational management of natural resources during the production process as well as their contribution to tackling the climate change by improving energy efficiency.
In this context, we recognize as an essential issue for our path to Sustainable Development the continuous assurance of the compliance of our activities with the respective environmental laws and regulations in each area in which we operate.
To this end, we closely monitor developments related to environmental management at Global, European and National levels, while ensuring the implementation of all relevant regulatory frameworks and requirements that will ensure the business continuity of our operations with the smallest possible environmental impact.
In this way, we ensure the implementation of environmentally responsible practices, which minimize the negative effects and maximize the quality of implementation and operation of our projects. In this regard, we consider the implementation of an Integrated Environmental management system (ISO 14001) as a necessary condition for proper assessment, monitoring and limiting the negative effects on the environment.
The environmental management system that we have for all our activities, we inspect it regularly in order to be constantly upgraded, functional and efficient in the direction of environmental protection.
Moreover, in order to ensure environmental compliance, we carry out internal and external environmental inspections both on an annual basis and at regular intervals in order to assess the degree of compliance with the legislation, the requirements of ISO 14001 and the degree of their implementation.
In addition, a key criterion for the successful implementation of environmental protection measures is the training of our employees that held on annual basis and ad hoc if there is a need.
Regarding the natural resources that we use in our projects we took took the following measures:
Water:The responsible use of water resources and their protection is vital for the safeguarding of natural ecosystems and for the wellbeing of people that live in them, as well as for the success of our activities. For this reason, it is one of the strategic objectives of our environmental policy, which pursues the adoption of an integrated approach for its optimal management. Overall water needs for production are covered through withdrawal from what is referred to as non-scarce sources (seawater) and scarce sources (surface freshwaters, groundwater and water for civil use). Where locally permitted, we use, as incoming water resources for our own processes, treated waste waters, typically supplied by water management consortia. In the international context, since 2014 Enel has been among the endorsing companies of the CEO Water Mandate, an initiative of the UN Global Compact devised to support companies in the development, implementation and disclosure of practices and policies concerning the sustainable management of water.
In 2020, the Global Power Generation launched the WaVE (Water Value Enhancement) project with the aim of mapping needs and water withdrawal sources in all of its thermaland renewables production sites in order to set new objectives to reduce its water footprint through the planning of a series of specific and innovative improvement actions, with particular reference to water stressed areas.
Waste: Optimal waste management is a strategic objective of our environmental policy, which results in a constant commitment to the reduction of waste production, as well as to the definition of new methods of reuse, recycling and recovery in the perspective of a circular economy. With the aim of further strengthening this commitment, we have equipped ourselves with a Group Guideline for Waste Management, which collects the best Company practices deemed fundamental for optimal waste management.
In particular, we have set key objectives for the reduction of waste produced, which were further reduced last year (-87% of waste produced in 2030 compared to 2017), equal to 1.2 mil t produced in 2030 (excluded from this target is waste produced from the demolition of decommissioned thermal plants).
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Due to the fact that Enel Green Power Hellas impacts are minimal within Enel Group, there are no central targets for Greece. However, in local level we constantly work on reducing our environmental footprint, thus we've decided to proceed to a reduction of 10% to the below KPIs. Targets and consumption refer only to Greece.
Environmental KPI |
TARGET 2021 |
TARGET 2020 |
Total Energy consumption |
-10% |
166,687 Mwh |
135.616 Mwh |
Total Water consumption |
-10% |
1000 m3 |
1000 m3
Non Hazardous Waste (paper, aluminium,plastic,glass) recycled |
-10% |
2 tn |
2 tn
Hazardous Waste recycled/recovered
-10% |
12.000tn |
11.968 tn |
For more information on our practices, please refer to the "2020 Sustainability report",
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13. Εκπομπές αερίων και Κλιματική Αλλαγή
Enel is committed to developing a business model in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement (COP 21) to limit the average increase in global temperature to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels (1850-1900) and to continue to limit this increase to 1,5°C.
For this reason, Enel has set itself the objective of reaching the decarbonization of its energy mix by 2050, as announced publicly in 2015 when the United Nations launched its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with reference to SDG 13 “Climate action”.
Furthermore, Enel, as a signatory to the Business Ambition for 1,5 °C campaign promoted by the United Nations and other institutions, is committed to fixing a long-term objective for reaching net zero emissions along the value chain by 2050, together with intermediate targets in all the pertinent areas and in line with the criteria and recommendations of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), (see also attached Enel's advocacy activities for Climate).
As a result, in October 2020 Enel announced a new objective of reducing its direct emissions of greenhouse gases per kWheq 80% by 2030, in comparison to the year of reference 2017, certified by SBTi and consistent with the purpose of limiting global warning to 1,5 °C. This new commitment requires that by 2030, the Group’s direct emissions are equal to 82 gCO2eq/kWh compared to 125 gCO2eq/kWh corresponding to the previous objective of a 70% reduction that was announced in 2019.
Enel is reducing this impact by accelerating the decommissioning of coal-fired plants, with a reduction of capacity in 2020 equal to 2.8 GW compared to 2019.
In parallel, the Group is increasing the development of renewable capacity that, together with the contribution of nuclear generation, has avoided 74.8 mil teq of CO2 emissions. Furthermore, Enel is actively committed to the development of electricity storage systems that support the integration of renewable capacity, with a total installed capacity of 123MW in 2020. The decarbonization of the energy mix also has a positive impact on the reduction of indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the acquisition of electricity to cover the requirements of business activities.
On 2020 started the design of a new project called “Net Zero Ambition” (see also the attachment "Net Zero Ambition") that has the aim of Enhancing the accountability of direct and indirect GHG emissions along the Group’s value chain and Establishing a comprehensive CO2 net zero roadmap.
The project is still in progress and the first result will be published by the end of 2021.
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Enel's advocacy activities for the climate Λήψη Net Zero Ambition
Compliance with GRI 305: Emissions
On 2020 Enel Green Power Hellas produced 759 GwH as a result to avoid 532.801,28 tCO2
In Greece, as Enel Green Power Hellas, we have only Renewable Plants, so we don’t have CO2 emissions.
For more information on the above and the relevant GRI criteria, please visit the “2020 Sustainability Report”,
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14. Εργασιακά Δικαιώματα
Enel Green Power’s success goes hand in hand with the fulfilment of a new development model that is more respectful of the environment and is on a human scale. It stems from the daily success of the over 4,500 people working with us around the world (see also attached file "Our people").
Enel Green Power Hellas has 144 employees, 49 women and 95 men. 115 out of 144 employees are based at the company's headquarters in Athens, 9 in Central Greece, 10 in North Greece and 10 at the Islands.
The Policies and procedures with regards to human resources are the following:
- Code of Ethics
- EGPH Compliance Program
- ISO 37001 / Anti-corruption policy
- Personnel Recruitment
- Compensation Policy
- Special Occasion Policies
- Training of personnel
Enel Green Power Hellas in order to integrate employees in shaping their work environment implements the following actions:
- Climate Survey: every 4 years an anonymous survey is completed by the employees regarding their working environment, their boss, the company etc.
- HR Chat: meeting with the HR manager once per year
- Open Feedback: Evaluation from the manager / Interview Phase / Feedback from colleagues.
- Development plan: The career path of the employee is settled with the manager and shared with HR
- Power G: reward for the innovative practices implemented by each department
Fundamentally, at the base of our work are our values: Trust, Responsibility, Innovation and Proactivity.
Enel Green Power Hellas is committed to its employees, ensuring that they are actively involved in the decision-making process. For example, prior to planning the return to the office, all employees were provided with a questionnaire where they could present their views on the matter. Similarly, questionnaires are distributed before and after any change and/or process, employee engagement initiatives are formulated and planned based on the employee’s needs.
Additionally, employee wellbeing is of crucial importance, ensuring that physical and mental health of all the workforce is healthy. Apart from providing employees with gym memberships, health care services and various uplifting/entertainment activities, at the company a Wellbeing Ambassadors group was formed. On a voluntary basis employees signed up to become Wellbeing Ambassadors, there role is to represent their fellow coworkers and to identify gaps regarding wellbeing based on employees needs and to then determine ways to improve and amplify the processes and initiatives already in motion.
In addition to these actions one upcoming initiative concerns Mental Health Awareness and the support that we can offer our employees to achieve a Holistic Wellbeing Culture. In addition to this we collaborate with an organization called Hellas EAP that has a 24-hour support line where our employees can contact whenever they feel the need to.
GDPR compliancy and employee data protection is a priority for EGPH.
In line with the provisions of Account Ability standard AA1000APS (2018) and with the principles of inclusivity, materiality, responsiveness, and impact, Enel has defined a materiality analysis process made up of five main phases. Data collection, aggregation and processing of information are managed using a dedicated IT system in order to share best stakeholder engagement and monitoring practices and allow a level of coverage consistent with the Company’s organizational model. The system allows specific views to be obtained, not only at the level of the Group and individual companies, but also by Business Line/Company Function and individual asset (i.e., potential or actual operating site).
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Our People
Below, there are the specific GRIs related to Enel Green Power Hellas performance.
Compliance with GRI 404 – 1:
- Average hours of training per year per employee, by gender and by employee category: 35 hours per employee
Compliance with GRI 404 – 3:
- 100% of the employees receive performance review on a yearly basis
Compliance with GRI 405 – 1: % of women
- Executives & Managers: 22%
- Regular employees: 36%
For more information please visit the “2020 Sustainability Report”,
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15. Ίσες Ευκαιρίες
Enel Green Power Hellas considers employees’ health, safety, physical and mental wellbeing the most valuable asset. Health, Safety, Environment and Quality is embedded in company’s decision-making process. Through the Integrated Management System (ISO 45001 , 14001, 9001), the STOP WORK policy, the HSEQ policies and procedures, the Contractors Safety Partnership model, the training and awareness programs plus the initiatives for enhancing safety culture, EGPH has created an accident-free workplace with more than 3.000 days without an accident. Also, EGPH has been awarded in the past for its waste management practices plus for delivering one of the biggest investments in RES in Greece (Kafireas project) with more than 1,5 million working hours during construction without an accident.
All the above results were achieved due to the constant commitment of everyone, the integration of safety in processes and training, the reporting and analysis of all events, the rigorous selection and management of contractors, continuous quality controls, the sharing of experience throughout the Group and comparison with the top international players.
EGPH’s Equal Opportunity Policy is based on respect for internationally protected human rights, applying in practice the relevant national legislation and the following provisions:
- EGPH Code of Conduct/Ethics
- The regulatory framework of Greece and the EU
- The UN Global Compact
The main pillars of EGP's labor relations policy are based on respect for human rights, non-discrimination of any kind and the construction of a pleasant working climate. More specifically, our company was awarded as the "Best Work Environment for 2020 for middle sized companies" by the international institute Great Place to Work. This title recognizes EGPH's ability to promote opportunities for personal and professional development, while creating a happy and balanced work environment that leads to improved performance and results.
Additionally, we promote health and work-life balance through numerous initiatives (e.g. wellbeing ambassadors, step-challenge, walking meetings, occupational doctor, support line “Better Life” as well as private medical insurance). Moreover, regularly employees can participate in surveys to express their ideas or satisfaction rate.
To enhance our inclusive culture, we have formulated also in Greece the “Diversity & Inclusion” team, which purpose is to raise awareness on issues related to discrimination of any kind through various events, training, and seminars. For example, the following initiatives aim to focus on this area:
- Valuable 500: Initiatives focused on disability issues (
- Women empowerment: Support women and promote them in managerial positions
- Sexual orientation: Initiatives focused on sexual prejudice & seminars
More than that, decisions and actions related to the issues of recruitment, remuneration, development, and growth of employees are characterized by transparency. In this context, our strategic approach includes:
- A uniform wage policy that is determined solely by position’s specifications, candidate’s qualifications, and experience.
- Both the interview and the evaluation process are integrated with a common denominator, the evaluation guide, so that there is meritocracy and no discrimination. The same non-discriminatory procedure is followed in internal positions
- Equal development & training opportunities for all employees regardless of their age, sexual orientation, beliefs and/or ethnicity.
- Remuneration and promotions are based on annual evaluations and follows Greek and EU legislation on equal pay based on the principle of equality. The company has a platform where all managers are required to identify their successors and must record the training and actions that these people need to be ready to take on new responsibilities.
Employee development is of critical importance for EGPH. Therefore, not only the employees can attend trainings & seminars, but they also have the chance to participate to dedicated meetings with their manager and the HR team in order to construct their own development plan. They can obtain a mentor through the Mentoring/Job Shadowing program and participate to the One day/week in another department.
In addition to the above, there is also the “Your Voice” team in the effort to highlight the young and talented employees, but also to express their opinion on issues that concern them daily, but also to propose new innovative ideas to the CEO.
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For 2020 for Enel Green Power Hellas:
- GRI 403 – 2: Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities: Frequency Rate: 0, Severity Index :0 (in general all 0)
- GRI 404 – 1: Average hours of training per year per employee, by gender and by employee category: 35 hours per employee
- GRI 406 – 1: Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken: 0
- 100% staff at contracting companies who will work for Enel and who have received training on safety from their employer
In addition to the above, in the attached file "EGPH initiatives" are presented the initiatives run in 2020 in Enel Green Power Hellas on the issues mentioned in the main section “Diversity & Inclusion”. In a difficult year due to the Covid situation that enlarged the inequalities globally, in EGPH we recognised the need of enforcing the "diversity and inclusion" spirit inside the company so that none is left behind.
For more information on the above and the relevant GRI criteria please see attached files and visit the “2020 Sustainability Report”
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη EGPH initiatives Λήψη Health and Safety Λήψη None os left behind
16. Απασχόληση
Enel Green Power has traditionally applied a human-centered approach based on developing long-term relationships with its staff. We are proud because despite the rapidly changing conditions, we have managed to meet our commitments, maintaining and increasing jobs, offering a stable working environment to meet the personal aspirations of our people, while contributing to the achievement of the Company's goals.
The Code of Ethics, the Code of Human Rights and the Compliance Program of the Group are the framework for the behavior of all Group employees.
In 2020, in Enel Green Power Hellas we had 17 new hirings in total, a number that did not decrease due to the pandemic. Moreover, Enel Green Power Hellas offers the support and the opportunity to young adults, through internship programs, giving them the ability to apply their knowledge and develop their skills in a corporate environment.
A key area of focus at Enel Green Power Hellas is strengthening the field of Education and Dissemination of Knowledge. Continuous training focuses on broadening employees’ knowledge and expertise. We collaborate both with external providers, but we also perform internal trainings and use our global platform “education” which has a wide variety of content from soft skills to technical.
Enel considers people’s health, safety, and psychological and physical well-being the most precious asset to be protected at all times of life, at work, at home and during leisure time, and it is committed to developing and disseminating a robust safety culture throughout the entire perimeter of the Company to guarantee a workplace that is free from health and safety hazards.
Enel Green Power Hellas has a permanent contract with an Occupational Doctor, that visits us twice per month. All employees can visit the doctor, to prescribe them examinations both at the level of prevention and at the level of re-examination, as well as for individual counseling on issues of prevention and health promotion.
A new employee from his/her first day at the office receives an email with the necessary medical exams that should be performed and sent to Occupational Doctor. Once the doctor receives them, he creates the medical folder of the employee and arranges a first interview to discuss his medical history. Then, the doctor issues the Declaration of Suitability.
Specifically for the technicians, due to the specific requirement of their work, they receive a questionnaire to re-evaluate their work ability. The doctor evaluates if all the technicians can perform safely their daily activities, especially those that specific skills are required, like climbing on the WTG, performing electrical activities etc or a reorganization is needed.
A project for the mental health of our employees and their families is also ongoing. The project is called “Better Life” and it is a wellbeing & support line 24/7/365, total free for our colleagues and their families, where they can call, anonymous, and address any issues related to their personal, family and/or work-related issues. Professional psychologists offer their support. The project had impressive results during 2020, especially due to the pandemic and for that reason has been renewed.
Eventually, Enel Green Power Hellas is certified with the ISO 45001-Occupational Health & Safety Management, based on identification of hazards, qualitative and quantitative risk assessment, planning and implementation of preventive and protective measures, verification of the effectiveness of preventive and protective measures, and on any corrective actions to be undertaken.
The Management System involves both Enel Green Power Hellas people and the personnel of contractors working on EGPH’s plants/sites.
Finally, regarding the Covid emergency, a new Covid-19 Global Insurance Group policy was established in March 2020, which provides compensation to Group employees who had to be hospitalized for at least two nights or who required hospitalization in intensive care after testing positive for Covid-19.
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Some key figures for Enel Green Power Hellas:
In 2020 we had a total of 3268 hours (about 4 and a half months) of training for 100 employees.
At the end of 2020 we had more than 3.000 days with Zero accidents for Greece.
For more information please visit the “2020 Sustainability Report”,
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17. Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα στην Προμηθευτική Αλυσίδα
A solid and dynamic ethical system, constantly oriented towards implementing best practices on the national and international levels is the foundational element of the Enel system of values underpinning the Company’s operating assets, and of relations entertained with all its key stakeholders. A system based on compliance programs, including the Code of Ethics, Policy on Human Rights, the Zero Tolerance of Corruption Plan (“ZTC Plan”), Enel Global Compliance Program, the Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/01, plus any other national compliance models adopted by Group companies in accordance with local regulations.
Our commitment to respect for human rights is the common thread that guides our activities, fully integrated in our purpose and throughout our corporate values. Specifically, Enel promotes respect for all internationally recognized human rights in the area of its business relations and it requires adoption of the same principles by contractors, suppliers, and commercial partners, with special attention to high risk contexts or conflict situations.
As required by the UN guidelines and based on the Policy principles, Enel has developed a specific process of due diligence of human rights across the entire value chain in the different countries in which it operates. In line with the international reference standards, the process is broken down into four phases:
- assessment of risk perceived by key stakeholders, at the individual country level, regarding labor, local community, and environment rights;
- gap analysis aimed at identifying and analyzing the organizational and risk control systems;
- development of action plans, in order to cover any areas of improvement that emerged in the previous phase;
- monitoring of action plans and remedies.
In 2020 the analysis was carried out in accordance with the above described phases, terminating with approval of the specific improvement plans, the actions of which will be adopted in 2021 and 2022. The 4 phases of the due diligence are described in the attached file "Human rights Due Diligence".
Furthermore, being a company with many suppliers and contractors, our purchasing processes are based on pre-contractual and contractual conduct geared towards mutual loyalty, transparency and collaboration. In addition to ensuring the necessary quality standards, supplier performance must go hand in hand with the commitment to adopt best practices in terms of human rights, working conditions, occupational health and safety and environmental responsibility. The Code of Ethics, Zero Tolerance of Corruption Plan, Policy on Human Rights, Model Pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 and the Enel Global Compliance Program all underpin our purchasing activities and serve like a guide and code of conduct for suppliers. Those company standards are detrimental both for the selection process and for the supplier management process that follows the contract, and are monitored in all steps of the contract duration:
- the evaluation of suppliers (there are specific requirements to become a supplier of Enel regarding human rights, health & safety, environmental responsibility, social responsibility)
- the competition procedure (introduction of competitive advantages in terms of awarding criteria to the suppliers that adopt, in their offer, the best sustainable approach). Indicative factors are provided in the attached document.
- the contract (all contracts include terms related to human rights, health, safety & environment)
- the supplier performance evaluation (during execution of the contract)
Further information on how the company protects and respects human rights along the value chain and all relevant initiatives can be found in detail in the “Sustainability Report 2020” in the paragraph “Enel for respect of human rights”, attached here (see "Human rights Due Diligence").
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Human Rights Due Diligence
Enel Green Power Hellas, strictly following all above guidelines and processes of the Enel Group, is aligned with the KPIs: GRI 412-3, GRI 412-1 and GRI 414-1.
GRI 412 -3: all operations are subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments as per Group guidelines.
GRI 412 -3: in all the contracts signed by Enel Green Power Hellas the disclosures refered to the attachment "Standard disclosures for contracts" are included.
GRI 414-1: all our suppliers are screened using also social criteria. This is a standard obligation.
For more information on the above, please refer to the “Sustainability Report 2020”,
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Human Rights Assessment Λήψη Relevant ESG category and GRI Λήψη Standard disclosures for contracts
18. Ενίσχυση Τοπικών Κοινωνιών
Enel Green Power Hellas has devised a development strategy that constantly implements sustainable actions and practices. Our proactive approach is structured to pinpoint opportunities to create shared value between the company and the territories where we operate. Our activities are focused on a constant dialogue with interested parties and integrated with careful studies of the social and economic context, in order to define effective measures that comply with the needs of the local stakeholders, while remaining on track with corporate targets.
Sustainability is embedded in all phases of the life of a project. Our purpose is to minimize the impact of our activity to the environment and at the same time support the sustainable development of the communities we’re present.
Through this strategy Enel Green Power contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals worldwide & in country level, not only the ones that the company is committed through specific targets but to all 17 goals.
The end result is creating energy that’s not only renewable but above all, sustainable.
In 2015 Enel adopted a Creating Shared Value (CSV) model which integrates social and environmental factors into business processes and throughout the value chain extended to the suppliers and customers.
Sustainability requirements and metrics are embedded in plant’s design and construction in order to minimize the environmental impacts and maximize the social benefits while maintaining economic competitiveness.
Before the start of construction a Social Economic Environmental Context analysis of the broader area of the project is done in order to identify the social, cultural, environmental characteristics of the area and identify all key stakeholders.
Specifically, during construction the sustainable site model is implemented. This has the aim of minimizing impacts (for example by installing photovoltaic solar panels to meet part of the energy demand of the construction site, the adoption of measures for saving water, reduce the use of plastics on site etc.) and for promoting the opportunity for development via the involvement of local manpower, at the same time guaranteeing better operating efficiency and respect for the region. The primary indicators defined for the application of the model and relating to the various Business Lines:
› reduction of environmental impacts (emissions, water use, waste management, saving natural resources, biodiversity);
› social inclusion (local manpower, health and safety, local community projects);
› development of the circular economy (reuse of materials, extension of useful life, shared platforms).
Some examples of projects already implemented in our sites in Greece are the following:
- support local beekeepers with wooden kiosks to sell their products and to recognize their product as a Protected Designation of Origin product,
- construct pic nic areas from the extracted materials,
- support the local shepherds by donating the pallets from the panels and inverters packaging to put on their hay and protect it from rotting,
- donate the water tanks used during construction to the local village,
- renovate important infrastructure in the local village,
- organise trainings to local people
- donate laptops to the local community’s kids to attend distance education and food to support families and vulnerable group of people during Covid
- Hire more than 50% from local communities
- support bike races etc.
A plan is also being finalized for the application of the Sustainable Plant Model, intended to maximize social, environmental and economic benefits for the territory and surrounding communities during the operation phase, similar to that achieved during the construction phase with the sustainable construction site.
Examples of projects included in the sustainable plant model are:
- Trainings to local people
- Hire people from local communities
- Circular economy projects
- Agricultural initiatives in pv plants involving the local community
- Grass cutting with sheeps from local shepherds
- Biological methods for pest control
- Initiatives to increase the energy efficiency
- Bike races in the wind parks areas to foster the sustainable tourism potential of the area
- Educational programs for children (Energy on the go) etc.
Sustainable procurement is also key for achieving sustainable energy locally, with tools like sustainability factors integrated in the tender phase that the suppliers need to comply with, environmental product declaration, sustainability projects with local suppliers etc.
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Throughout 2020 Enel Green Power Hellas during the construction of the pv park Vamvakies in North Greece:
- 50% of the people working in our construction site were from the local communities - SDG 8
- Laptops were provided to the primary school student’s of Polymylos Kozanis, the village close to our park in order to continue with e-learning during Covid - SDG 4
- Renovated local infrustructures and make them functional again – SDG 3 & 11
- Donated materials to the local community such us water tanks for fire protection and pallets to local shepherds to protect their hay - SDG 8
- Donated medical equipment to the local medical center – SDG 3
- Donated food boxes to families in need - SDG 3
- educational program for the children "Energy on the go"
In other areas where our projects are located.
- In 2020 the National Championship of Mountain bike was organised for the first time in an area of wind parks, the wind cluster of Kafireas in South Evia. This initiative was one of the various actions we realised in the area in order to support a sustainable turism model for the area by giving visibility to the beauties of the place. For this practice we won the Bravo sustainability award in the category “Society”- SDG 3 (see attachment "Bike races")
- We collaborated with the Archaeological Authority in South Evia for cleaning the area of the ruins found in Kafireas site, making the accesses easier, taking care of the illustrative panels to be installed beside the findings and of the road signs to get these points of – SDG 11
- We constructed 20 wooden kiosks for the beekeepers of Kafireas area in order to expose their products during local festivals and outdoor markets. - SDG 8 (see attachment "Kiosks")
- We support the local honey of Karystos “Kissouri” to be recognised as a protected designation of origin. - SDG 8
- We support the feasibility study for the designation of the South Evia area as Unesco Biosphere Reserve - SDG 11
- 90000 euros were donated to hospitals in order to support them during the pandemic period - SDG 3
- Local shepherds are feeding their animals in the areas inside the pv plots. - SDG 8
Finally, please also see the table below with some financial facts.
Group 2020 (in bln euros) |
Greece 2020 (in mln euros) |
Revenues |
64.98 |
112.97 |
Gross margin costs (direct costs on production) |
7.78 |
Costs |
49.24 |
20.90 |
15.74 |
84.65 |
Net income |
3.6 |
14.21 |
Personnel costs |
4.79 |
7.97 in salaries and 0.707 in benefits |
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Bike races Λήψη Kiosks
19. Συμμετοχή σε Πρωτοβουλίες και Πολιτική Επιρροή
The Enel Group is present globally in the main energy and sustainability associations (also see attachment):
- United Nations Global Compact: Enel has been a “Participant” member of the UN Global Compact since 2004 and in 2020 it was confirmed as one of its LEAD companies, thanks to its commitment and adherence to the 10 founding principles on human rights, labor standards, environmental protection, and the fight against corruption.
- Sustainable Energy for All: Since 2011, Enel has been a partner of Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), an international organization that collaborates with the United Nations and global leaders in the public and private sector for the advancement of SDG 7.
- CSR Europe: Since 2005 Enel has been a member of CSR Europe and from 2016 to 2020 it held the vice-chairmanship of the Board, of which it is currently a member.
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD): Since 2016, Enel has been a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and is represented both on the Board, of which the CEO is a member, and at Liaison Delegate level.
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): As a member since 2006, since 2016 the Enel Group has been part of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Community.
- International Integrated Reporting Council (IR): Since its creation, Enel has participated in the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and in 2020, as a member of the Business Network, Enel participated in various working groups including the Integrated Thinking and Strategy Special Interest Group.
- Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance (GISD): In 2020, Enel continued its commitment to the Global Investors for Sustainable Development (GISD) Alliance, an integral part of the UN Strategy for Financing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, of which the Group CEO is a member.
- CEO Alliance for Europe’s Recovery, Reform and Resilience: In 2020, Enel joined the new CEO Alliance for Europe’s Recovery, Reform and Resilience, an initiative that represents companies from different sectors, committed to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the goal of decarbonization.
- Consumers International: Enel continued the dialogue already started in 2019 with Consumers International.
- ESMT Berlin (CSBL): In 2016, Enel joined the Sustainable Business Roundtable (SBRT) and in 2020 it participated in the two annual meetings focused on “Decarbonization” and “Impact Evaluation”.
- S30: In 2020, Enel joined the S30 group of 30 Chief Sustainability Officers from companies that are global leaders in sustainability from various industrial sectors.
On European level, Enel through its affiliate companies is member in all major associations of especially renewables, electrification and sustainability and in most of them in fact Enel employees have been elected in key positions. An important example is the presidency of Solar Power Europe which currently is held by the Enel Green Power Head of Europe, Mr Aristotelis Chantavas. In addition, Enel Green Power is member of the WindEurope.
Specifically, Enel Green Power Hellas is present to the following associations.
Association initials |
Association full name |
RenewableUK |
Polish wind association |
Hellenic Wind Energy Association |
Association for Energy Producers with Photovoltaics |
Hellenic Association for Energy Economics |
Hellenic Italian Chamber of Athens |
Hellenic-Italian Chamber of Commerce |
Institute of Energy of South-East Europe |
Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce |
Hellenic Association for Small hydroelectric plants |
Enel Green Power is also a founding member of RES4MED, Renewable Energy Solutions for the Mediterranean and Beyond, an association created in 2012 to promote renewable energy and the infrastructures needed to deliver the generated electricity throughout the Mediterranean area.
Enel in generally decides upon membership in associations and organizations with strict criteria and only provided that it shares the same principles in terms of sustainability, innovation, energy transition, electrification and the Group’s Business Plan. This is the driver behind its present in only associations that support sustainable and climate friendly business. The same applies for deciding upon supporting and embracing specific initiatives and activities within the different associations.
In terms of exercising political influence, Enel will either follow the public procedures (e.g. public consultations on various policies and legislative initiatives) to express views and support its positions or will leverage its memberships in different associations and will try to jointly influence the process of events. In any case the exercise of political influence is always transparent and according to the Zero Tolerance of Corruption Plan and the Code of Ethics of the Group.
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Enel in the main sustainability associations
With relevance to GRI 415-1, Enel Green Power does not have direct relations with political parties and does not provide financing of any kind, as explicitly established at point 2.2 of the Zero Tolerance of Corruption Plan and at point 3.26 of the Group’s Code of Ethics (both attached).
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Code of Ethics Λήψη Zero tolerance of corruption plan
20. Πρόληψη και Καταπολέμηση της Διαφθοράς
In compliance with the 10th Global Compact principle, according to which “companies are committed to combating corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery”, Enel intends to pursue its commitment to fighting corruption in all its forms – whether direct or indirect – by applying the principles expressed in the pillars of its Anti-bribery Management System. Enel’s Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) is based on the Group’s commitment to fighting corruption by applying the criteria of transparency and conduct as set out in the Zero Tolerance for Corruption Plan (ZTC Plan) and confirmed in the Anti-Bribery Policy adopted in compliance with international standard ISO 37001:2016 (on anti-bribery management systems).
Together with the ZTC Plan, the pillars underpinning the ABMS are:
- the Code of Ethics;
- Models to prevent the main criminal risks (for example, bribery in relations with public administrations and among private individuals, environmental offences, corporate offences and, for Italian companies, manslaughter, serious personal injury or grievous bodily harm committed in violation of the rules on the protection of occupational health and safety), as described by the applicable regulations on corporate responsibility (the “Compliance Program”) in the various countries where the Group operates;
- The Enel Global Compliance Program (“EGCP”), a governance tool aimed at strengthening the Group’s ethical and professional commitment to preventing illicit committed outside Italy that might result in corporate criminal liability and reputational risks. The EGCP applies to the Group’s non-Italian companies and supplements any compliance programs adopted by the same companies, in compliance with local The mentioned governance measures (in relation to which we refer you to the specific section of the website), together with the current body of procedures, outline an effective prevention system, which is an integral part of the Group’s Internal Control System.
In 2017 Enel SpA was among the first companies in the world to obtain certification of the conformity of its anti-bribery management system to international standard ISO 37001:2016 (“Anti-Bribery Management System”). This certification was issued following an independent verification process, carried out by a primary accredited certification body, which was carried out in two separate phases, aimed primarily at certifying the adequacy of the design of the Enel anti-bribery management system (in terms of governance, roles, and responsibilities, control procedures, etc.), and secondarily at assessing the level of application and effectiveness. After Enel SpA obtained certification ISO 37001 for its anti-bribery management system, it gradually extended the 37001 certification plan to the Group’s main Italian and foreign subsidiaries, guaranteeing maintenance of the certifications already obtained.
Online training on ethical issues (e.g. Model 231, Anti-Corruption Management System, EGCP) was extended to all employees of the Group’s companies, including induction activities in virtual classrooms.
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Enel Green Power, strictly following all above guidelines and processes of the Enel Group, is aligned with the KPIS: GRI 205-1 and GRI 205-2 (Training on anti-corruption policies and procedures communication, confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken), GRI 103-2 (Implementation of Code of Ethics), GRI 103-3 (Evaluation of management approach).
In Greece all employees are obliged to undertake specific training on the anti-corruption policies, code of ethics etc and there is a specific process to communicate the new policies in order to reassure that all emloyees are properly informed.
Since 2018, Enel Green Power is certified with ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery management system and all the countries as operational units are included in the specific certification, thus also Enel Green Power Hellas. However, in 2020 we started the process to certify the local legal entity, Enel Green Power Hellas S.A., autonomously. The process will be completed by the end of 2021.
For more information, please see the attachments and also refer to the “Sustainability Report 2020”, .
Συννημένα Αρχεία: Λήψη Anti-Bribery Policy Λήψη ISO37001 Λήψη Whistleblowing Policy