Event on July 13 at Electra Palace

"Developments in the EU & national legislation"
with regards to the publication of non-financial data: The added value of the
The event on Thursday 13 Jult 2017 with regards to the new legislative framework for the publication of non-financial data and on how the GREEK SUSTAINABILITY CODE can be used as a response to the legislative requirements, has been completed with success.
For the support of businesses and advidors that wish to participate in the GREEK SUSTAINABILITY CODE as reference framework for the publication of non-financial data, we are planning the following training seminars under the title "PUBLICATION OF NON-FINANCIAL DATA: The use & application of the GREEK SUSTAINABILITY CODE":
For businesses: 7& 14 September
For consultants: 6 September
For auditors: 19& 20 September
You can find Information material for the seminar here
Maximum participants: 25
There is a limited number of participants, please submit your participation in time.
For any further information, please contact Vasia Logotheri +210 6898594 / [email protected].
For the event's photos and video please click here
At the event, it was presented how the business community can respond to the harmonisation requested by the EU and national Guidelines with the horizon of September 30th when a large number of companies are obliged to publich non-financial data, according to the company group they belong to.
You can find the main presentations of the event's speakers here:
You can find the main presentations of the event's speakers here:
- The link between the criteria of the GREEK SUSTAINABILITY CODE with the Greek law No, 4403/2016
- The added value: the promotion of companies as SUSTAINABLE COMMPANIES & the possibility to be linked to International Networks of Responsible Suppliers.
For the support of businesses and advidors that wish to participate in the GREEK SUSTAINABILITY CODE as reference framework for the publication of non-financial data, we are planning the following training seminars under the title "PUBLICATION OF NON-FINANCIAL DATA: The use & application of the GREEK SUSTAINABILITY CODE":
For businesses: 7& 14 September
For consultants: 6 September
For auditors: 19& 20 September
You can find Information material for the seminar here
Maximum participants: 25
There is a limited number of participants, please submit your participation in time.
For any further information, please contact Vasia Logotheri +210 6898594 / [email protected].
For the event's photos and video please click here
Below, there are the video presentations of the event's speakers
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