Conference for the presentation of the Greek Sustainability Code
QualityNet Foundation holds the conference for the official presentation of the Greek Sustainability Code, on Thursday the 7th of April at the Mela Hall of the National Bank of Greece.The development of the Greek Sustainability Code is a result of the cooperation of QualityNet Foundation (QNF) with the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) in the context of Sustainable Greece 2020 Initiative. The Greek Sustainability Code is a structured system in terms of transparency and self-commitment of the Organizations/Companies. It meets the need for economical, environmental and social performance assessment of the Organizations and Companies in view of enhancing their competitiveness by ways of:
- incorporating Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility principles in their operation and management
- enhancing the export activity of the Greek Companies
- capital acquisition through the positive evaluation of the financial and credit markets and the international investment funds,
- their inclusion to International Networks of “Responsible Suppliers” and
- responding to the requirements of the European Directive on disclosure of non-financial data.
See the Agenda of the Conference in the following link:
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