The way
he Greek Sustainability Code is an up-to-date answer-proposal to the need of Greek state to create a methodology and a practical tool that will not only respond to the regulatory framework governing the EU Directive on non-financial disclosure but it will at the same time form a dynamic platform reinforcing the comparative advantage of Greek entrepreneurship based on Sustainable Development. It is actually a structured system of holistic apporach which incorporates a series of international standards and frameworks that are widely in use by medium and small size companies as well as multinationals such as GRI, UN Global Compact, ISO, EMAS, EFFAS,). It is a practical tool that responds to regulatory requirements with regards to the publication of non-financial data but also a dynamic platform for stregthening the competitive character of the Greek business in terms of sustainable development.The Greek Sustainability Code is offered for FREE to:
- Institutional bodies to support them in the creation of a National Reporting Framework in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility issues
- Organizations/ Companies in order to be incorporated in a National and European Sustainability Platform offering the chance to obtain comparative advantages.
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