The Greek challenge
Under this framework, Greece is called to adopt the EU Directive and to apply it through the Law N. 4403/2016 and its circular No. 62784/06-06-2017 during a period of time when the Greek economy seeks a new model of growth that will be based upon sustainable development in terms of a balanced approach between the economy, the society and the environment, that will allow the country to develop according to the principles of sustainability and social cohesion.
The challenge facing all the shareholders (State, Corporate bodies and Companies) is to treat the Directive not as another regulatory scheme but as a chance to develop a competitive tool that will add value to the Companies implementing Sustainable Development policies in order that they achieve comparative advantage with regards to the openness and competitiveness.
Thus, we must develop tools and methodologies that would help Greek Companies and Organizations to face these challenges.
The Greek Sustainability Code, which has been developed in the context of Sustainable Greece 2020 Initiative is one of these tools and methodologies.
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