Εταιρική Παρουσίαση
Μήνυμα Διοίκησης
ΕΤΗΣΙΟΣ ΤΖΙΡΟΣ: | Έως 50 εκ. ευρώ |
H Polyeco A.E. ιδρύθηκε το 2001 και αποτελεί την πρώτη βιομηχανία ολοκληρωμένης διαχείρισης και αξιοποίησης αποβλήτων στην Ελλάδα. Ο σχεδιασμός και η υλοποίηση μίας τέτοιας επένδυσης στην Ελλάδα βασίστηκε στα επιτυχή αποτελέσματα ερευνητικού προγράμματος της Γενικής Γραμματείας Έρευνας και Τεχνολογίας, στο οποίο συμμετείχαν το Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών, το Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης, το ΕΚΕΦΕ Δημόκριτος, τα τσιμέντα ΤΙΤΑΝ και η Τεχνική Προστασίας Περιβάλλοντος Α.Ε. Η Polyeco κατέχει ηγετική θέση ανάμεσα στις πιο σημαντικές εταιρείες διαχείρισης αποβλήτων στη Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη, με ισχυρή παρουσία στα Βαλκάνια, τη Μέση Ανατολή, την Αφρική, την Κεντρική Ασία, τη Λατινική Αμερική και τις χώρες του Ινδικού Ωκεανού, υλοποιώντας μερικά από τα πλέον απαιτητικά έργα διαχείρισης αποβλήτων σε όλη την υφήλιο. Το έμπειρο προσωπικό της εταιρείας συνεργάζεται στενά με τους πελάτες για τον σχεδιασμό λύσεων που ανταποκρίνονται στις επιχειρηματικές απαιτήσεις και τους στόχους τους, σύμφωνα πάντα με τους κανονισμούς για την υγεία, την ασφάλεια και το περιβάλλον. Από την ίδρυσή της έως και σήμερα, η Polyeco προσπαθεί συνεχώς να βελτιώσει τις περιβαλλοντικές επιδόσεις και την ανταγωνιστικότητα των πελατών της. Μέσω της συνεχούς εκπαίδευσης, έρευνας και ανάπτυξης στους τομείς της ανάκτησης, απορρύπανσης και αποκατάστασης, παρέχει ολοκληρωμένες λύσεις βιώσιμης διαχείρισης αποβλήτων για τον βιομηχανικό τομέα. Το ευρύ πεδίο εξειδίκευσης της Polyeco περιλαμβάνει την αδειοδότηση, απορρύπανση, μεταφορά, ανάκτηση και διάθεση όλων των τύπων επικινδύνων και μη επικινδύνων βιομηχανικών αποβλήτων. Στα πλαίσια της διεθνούς ανάπτυξής της έχει ιδρύσει ένα εκτεταμένο δίκτυο εταιριών (Polyeco Group), αναλαμβάνοντας μεγάλα περιβαλλοντικά έργα τα οποία την καθιστούν μια από τις μεγαλύτερες εταιρίες διαχείρισης επικινδύνων αποβλήτων παγκοσμίως. Το 2008 ιδρύθηκε η Polyeco BALKANS D.o.o.el. στα Σκόπια και το 2009 η Polyeco ALBANIA Sh.p.k στα Τίρανα και η Polyeco D.o.o στο Βελιγράδι.Το 2015, η Polyeco επέκτεινε το δίκτυο των εταιρειών της με την ίδρυση της Polyeco B.V. με έδρα την Ολλανδία, της Polyeco Gulf Ltd. στο Σουλτανάτο του Ομάν και των εταιρειών Ecorecovery S.A. και Nordeco S.A. στην Ελλάδα. Το 2016, ιδρύθηκε η εταιρεία Polyeco Group International DMCC στο Ντουμπάι. Το 2017 η Polyeco A.E. ανέλαβε τη λειτουργία, τη διαχείριση και τη συντήρηση της προσωρινής μονάδας αποθήκευσης επικινδύνων αποβλήτων (IHWSF), στο La Chaumière του Μαυρικίου. |
Valentina Giannakou (Ms.) Marketing Manager Tel: +30 210 55 30 600
Βεβαίωση, η οποία δίνεται από το QualityNet, σχετικά με τη συμμόρφωση της επιχείρησης με το πλαίσιο αναφοράς του Ελληνικού Κώδικα Βιωσιμότητας. Επιβεβαιώνει το επίπεδο συμμόρφωσης και μαζί με τον Πίνακα Τεκμηρίωσης, που τη συνοδεύει, παρουσιάζει το εύρος απάντησης της επιχείρησης στα κριτήρια της Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης & της Υπεύθυνης Επιχειρηματικότητας. Η Δήλωση Συμμόρφωσης μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως ένα επίσημο έγγραφο, καθώς ουσιαστικά αποδεικνύει το εύρος της προσέγγισης του Οργανισμού στα θέματα Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης και Υπεύθυνης Επιχειρηματικότητας, να αναρτηθεί στον επίσημο ιστότοπο και να αποσταλεί σε Θεσμικούς & Κοινωνικούς Φορείς. Κατεβάστε τη Δήλωση Συμμόρφωσης του Οργανισμού.
1. Στρατηγική, Ανάλυση & Δράση
Our approach to Sustainable Development
Being by definition a company having sustainability at the heart of our business and servicing blue chip clients, NGO’s, UNIDO, UNEP, UNPD and the World Bank, Polyeco’s main focus is in leveraging the dynamics and structured synergies between the affiliated companies of our group to persevere the promotion and implementation of a management approach coherent with all the UN Global Compact principles.
Our company’s sustainable development strategy is guided by a continuous performance improvement plan. The plan defines yearly priorities and objectives whose progress is regularly monitored and evaluated. This plan plays a key role in determining and validating Polyeco’s commitments with regard to social responsibility, environmental management, governance, human rights, labour and ethics.
Our company's strategy is also based on the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy adopted from the European Commission, as an industrial economy that is not producing waste and pollution, which includes revised legislative proposals on waste to stimulate Europe's transition towards zero waste generation, and measures covering the whole cycle from production and consumption to waste management and the market for secondary fuels and secondary raw materials. So, the high priority’s objective of our policy is ‘’Making More from Waste: Recovery/Recycling/Reuse’’. At our main hazardous waste treatment facility we treat hazardous waste preventing their release into the environment and provide environmentally friendly methods of managing hazardous materials according to the Circular Economy Principles. Moreover, one of the biggest business themes in a global economy geared towards the Global Goals is the minimization of waste, through resource saving and energy recovery.
In order to ensure its sustainable development, Polyeco implements programs, initiatives and practices that reflect its values and define its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), voluntarily incorporating social and environmentally friendly targets in everyday business activities,both in Greece and the countries across the globe where the company implements waste management projects.
Polyeco is a founding member of the Hellenic Foundation of Enterprises Board for Sustainable Development and has committed to implementing the “Code of Sustainable Development Principles” and to integrate those principles in the decision making procedure. Polyeco is also a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the greatest global initiative on Corporate Responsibility. As a member of the UN Global Compact our company has committed to align its principles with ten globally approved principles in the field of human rights, labor, environment and fighting corruption.
An important distinction for Polyeco is its inclusion in the Most Sustainable Companies in Greece, as well as its signage by QUALITY NET FOUNDATION as SUSTAINABLE COMPANY 2020 and SUSTAINABLE GREECE 2020/ SUSTAINABILITY REPRESENTATIVE 2020, as a sustainable company, with a top recognition of its business performance in Sustainable Development and Responsible Entrepreneurship.
Reporting on social and environmental performance is based in an integrated internal system developed and updated by Polyeco which facilitates the process of collecting, compiling, reporting its non-financial performance throughout the Company plants, in accordance to Polyeco’s sustainability strategy and commitments and more specifically to UNGC COP criteria and WBCSD- World Business Council for Sustainable Development/CSI-Corporate Social Investment Guidelines.
Polyeco’s Quality Management System is in full compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, Regulation 1221/2009 / EC (EMAS) and ISO 14001: 2015. Polyeco is certified according to:
- Quality Management System certified as per EN ISO 9001
- Environmental Management System verified according to EMAS III (EU Regulation 1221)
- Occupational Health & Safety Management System certified as per OHSAS 18001
- Quality Control Laboratory accredited under the terms of ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17025
- Security Management System for the supply chain certified as per EN ISO 28000
2. Ουσιαστικότητα
In Polyeco, we assess our corporate responsibility by analyzing our impact on the SDG’s through the materiality analysis.
Materiality is about identifying the most critical economic, environmental and social issues, related to Polyeco’s activities, which may reflect a significant impact, positive or negative, on the company’s business performance and influence the decision-making of our stakeholders. The Materiality process is the backbone of our report. It is implemented within the company on an annual basis and involves reaching out to internal and external stakeholders to get their input.
The 2020 Sustainability Report refers to the Sustainable Development Topics, emerged from the process as most critical:
Material Issues |
Environmental Compliance |
Environmental Investments |
Waste Management |
Emissions |
Energy & Water Consumption |
Climate Change |
Circular Economy |
Profitability |
Presence in the Local Market |
Global Growth Expansion |
Corporate Governance |
Employee health, safety and wellness |
Education and Training |
Responsible Labor Practices |
Equal and Fair employment |
Improvement of products and services |
Emergency Response |
Quality of Products and Services |
Product Safety |
Regulatory and Legislative Compliance |
Responsible competitiveness |
Transparency |
Anticorruption |
Procurement Practices |
Data security and privacy |
Local Economic Contribution |
Environmetal Awareness |
Educational Programms |
3. Στοχοθέτηση
Sustainability is at the heart of our business and business begins with value creation.
Our purpose is to create and deliver value in an efficient way, so that our activities generate profit after cost. Our role as an environmental company is to create value for our stakeholders by providing products and services that contribute to socio-economic growth, environmental benefits and technological advances.
The need to protect, sustain, & heal the environment is of paramount importance as the ecological footprint of society increases. For an environmental solution provider such as Polyeco Group, this need calls for the evolution & development of comprehensive services combined with an increased global presence to provide integrated waste management solutions for the industrial sector.
Providing complete solutions that deliver environmental sustainability is only part of the story. We are integrating sustainability more deeply into our business to create greater impact across our value chain. Doing business the right way enhances our reputation and ability to create sustainable value.
We strive to make an effective contribution to Sustainable Development and Progress in the Values of Professionalism, Research and Innovation, as well as Social Responsibility, fully integrated within a healthy and sensitized society. The success of our efforts should be measured by the total economic, social and environmental effects of our actions on all stakeholders.
Dedication to our customers, establishment and maintenance of long-term relationships give us the ability to provide the most innovative, reliable and cost-effective solutions in the field of our activities.
Our vision is the improvement of the society’s quality of life, by offering solutions for the sustainable and viable environmental protection and waste management.
Our goal is to develop innovative waste treatment and valorization methods, by constantly combining the high-level training and expertise of the personnel with advanced technological processes
Our Guiding Principles drive everything we do, the way we think, our decision making process. These four words sum up the key attributes leading us to success and help us fulfill our mission.
We always think about how we can make improvements, identify new opportunities and meet requirements to provide better solutions to our clients existing needs or anticipating their future needs. Innovation is a necessity for us. Our future success depends on the creativity of our individuals and teams and a willingness to keep thinking and acting on the possibilities for innovation in all that we do.
Creativity is the necessary element in every stage of the innovation process. It is the ability to make connections that result in ideas. Creativity help us scale a barrier to implementation, improve margins, speed up a process, find solutions in every aspect of our daily work.
We succeed by doing things the right way, with respect to ethics, laws, standards of quality, and each other. We keep our promises and build trust and loyalty with our clients, our partners, our suppliers, our people.
We are flexible, adaptable and responsive. Our ability in using a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance helps us take advantage of change. Whether in business or in technology, we move with speed and dexterity to adapt and adjust to emerging client and project requirement.
4. Διαχείριση της Αλυσίδας Αξίας (value chain)
“We aim to create maximum positive impact, focusing on the protection of the environment along our value chain.”
When we talk about our value chain, we mean the full range of activities it takes for us to provide our services to the market – from waste collection and treatment to final disposal.
Polyeco is a modern and dynamic enterprise providing integrated sound waste management, with products and services that relate to protection of the environment addressed to various business sectors and industries. The overall activity of the company is to identify and understand the hazards inherent to the activities we undertake and effectively assess, control and manage those risks. We also provide on-site hazardous and non-hazardous integrated waste management solutions, decontamination and site remediation, to client’s facilities.
Our value chain is connected to a variety of companies, people, communities, ecosystems and other businesses around the world. Through its operations POLYECO S.A. promotes environmental protection, conserves natural resources, fauna and flora, public health and public interests. We take reasonable steps to preserve the environment through responsible practices to minimize the environmental impact of our operations by complying with all applicable laws, guidelines and waste management industry standards.
We Combine |
To Deliver | Through Services Such As |
Employees |
Waste collection |
Expertise | Ιntegrated Waste Management Solutions | Treatment |
Technology | Recycling & Disposal |
The sustainability management conducted by Polyeco holds up the responsibility and aims to provide desirable values to each stakeholder. For this reason, we have built up various communication channels to identify stakeholders’ interest and have made every effort to ensure the prevention of risks and creation of new opportunities.
Polyeco has identified the following stakeholders with whom it interacts in the course of its business: customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, regulators and wider society.
5. Υπευθυνότητα
Being by definition a company having sustainability at the heart of our business and servicing blue chip clients, NGO’s, UNIDO, UNEP, UNPD and the World Bank, Polyeco’s main focus is in leveraging the dynamics and structured synergies between the affiliated companies of our group to persevere the promotion and implementation of a management approach coherent with all the UN Global Compact principles.
Our company’s sustainable development strategy is guided by a continuous performance improvement plan. The plan defines yearly priorities and objectives whose progress is regularly monitored and evaluated. This plan plays a key role in determining and validating Polyeco’s commitments with regard to social responsibility, environmental management, governance, human rights, labour and ethics.
Our company's strategy is also based on the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy adopted from the European Commission, as an industrial economy that is not producing waste and pollution, which includes revised legislative proposals on waste to stimulate Europe's transition towards zero waste generation, and measures covering the whole cycle from production and consumption to waste management and the market for secondary fuels and secondary raw materials. So, the high priority’s objective of our policy is ‘’Making More from Waste: Recovery/Recycling/Reuse’’ . At our main hazardous waste treatment facility we treat hazardous waste preventing their release into the environment and provide environmentally friendly methods of managing hazardous materials according to the Circular Economy Principles. Moreover, one of the biggest business themes in a global economy geared towards the Global Goals is the minimization of waste, through resource saving and energy recovery.
In order to ensure its sustainable development, Polyeco implements programs, initiatives and practices that reflect its values and define its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), voluntarily incorporating social and environmentally friendly targets in everyday business activities,both in Greece and the countries across the globe where the company implements waste management projects.
Polyeco is a founding member of the Hellenic Foundation of Enterprises Board for Sustainable Development and has committed to implementing the “Code of Sustainable Development Principles” and to integrate those principles in the decision making procedure. Polyeco is also a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the greatest global initiative on Corporate Responsibility. As a member of the UN Global Compact our company has committed to align its principles with ten globally approved principles in the field of human rights, labor, environment and fighting corruption.
Reporting on social and environmental performance is based in an integrated internal system developed and updated by Polyeco which facilitates the process of collecting, compiling, reporting its non-financial performance throughout the Company plants, in accordance to Polyeco’s sustainability strategy and commitments and more specifically to UNGC COP criteria and WBCSD- World Business Council for Sustainable Development/ CSI-Corporate Social Investment Guidelines.
Polyeco’s Quality Management System is in full compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, Regulation 1221/2009 / EC (EMAS) and ISO 14001: 2015.
Polyeco is certified according to:
- Quality Management System certified as per EN ISO 9001: 2015
- Environmental Management System verified according to EMAS III (EU Regulation 1221)
- Occupational Health & Safety Management System certified as per ISO 45001:2018
- Quality Control Laboratory accredited under the terms of ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17025
- Security Management System for the supply chain certified as per EN ISO 28000
- Social Responsibility Management System according to the standard “ Corporate Social Responsibility Assessment Scheme certified as ETHOS
6. Κανόνες & Διαδικασίες
The Board of Directors of Polyeco S.A. has adopted the following guidelines in furtherance of its continuing efforts to enhance its Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility strategy through rules and procedures.
Corporate Governance Guidelines
The Corporate Governance Code reflects the principles and practices of corporate governance that have been adopted, in accordance with Greek law, the international best practices and the obligations of Polyeco.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
This Code brings together the fundamental principles and values we follow as a company, and which should guide all our actions and decisions. It sets out the standards of conduct that should motivate each of us as employees of the Company, as well as our partners and suppliers.
Human Rights Policy
The Human Rights Policy, express Polyeco’s commitment to meet its responsibility to respect internationally recognized human rights principles. This means the rights set out by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including those contained within the International Bill of Rights and the International Labor Organization’s 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Occupational Health & Safety Policy
Polyeco recognizes its responsibility towards the Environment, the Health, Safety and well-being of its personnel and people affected by its activities.
Also aware of its responsibilities and duties towards its shareholders and stakeholders, POLYECO is committed to internationally recognized health, safety and environmental standards. POLYECO acts in an ethical and socially responsible manner with the ambition to avoid negative impacts enhance positive effects and contribute to sustainable development. This HSE policy applies to all activities of POLYECO from conceptual design to operations; its principles apply to all personnel working on behalf of POLYECO, whether as employees, contractors or suppliers.
Environmental Policy
The Environmental Policy outlines Polyeco’s aims and principles in relation to managing the environmental effects and aspects of its operations. It recognizes our responsibilities and obligations towards the sustainable, environmental and socially responsible corporate development. Its principles apply to all personnel working on behalf of Polyeco whether as employees, contractors or suppliers. We implement it through our environmental management system and environmental initiatives.
Privacy Policy
POLYECO SA is complying with the European Regulation 2016/276, on Safety in Personal Protection Data Management. Through the Privacy Policy on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, our company declares that the stored personal data, have been collected with the consent of our employees, customers, suppliers, partners (referred as "data subjects").
Polyeco Commitment to the UN Global Compact
Since 2012, POLYECO S.A. has declared its continued support to the United Nations Global Compact initiative and its commitment to uphold the 10 Principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
Annual Sustainability Report
POLYECO issues its Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Report with a view to provide fully information for all stakeholders - workforce, customers, suppliers, shareholders, investors, creditors and local communities, about company’s business performance, in the sustainable development areas of economy, environment and society.
7. Καταγραφή και παρακολούθηση (monitoring)
Our CSR strategy and reporting approach, follows the international standards of the Global Reporting Services (GRI Standards).
The Corporate Sustainability Report describes the progress we have made on strategy, organization, initiatives, programs, management systems and goals for ensuring sustainability on annual basis. The report is prepared in accordance with:
- The UN Guiding Principles (UN GP) Reporting Framework
- The UN Guiding Principles on Business
- The criteria of the Greek Sustainability Code
- International Organisation for Standardization (ISO)
- The criteria of ISO 26000 International Standard on Corporate Social Responsibility
The GRI Report adds a new dimension to our sustainability work, supporting dialogue with stakeholders and helping us to further develop our sustainability work.
The 2020 Sustainability Report has been edited and compiled by a dedicated project team composed of representatives from all involved Divisions of the Company: Group's Marketing & Communications, Human Resources, Health & Safety, Business and Corporate Social Responsibility Department. The necessary information and data published in this Report is collected through various internal reporting systems and indicatively include: aggregated financial and personnel data, environmental indicators, units of measurement, quantities and data that are in accordance with the best available practices and international standards.
The data collection and presentation was based on our Company’s Corporate Responsibility pillars of relations with customers and suppliers, economy, society, human resources and environment and essentially respond to the need to measure economic, environmental and social performance.
8. Πολιτικές Αμοιβών και κίνητρα για τη Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη
Polyeco has designed an internal Pay Policy in order to ensure a system of fair pay for everyone, in alignment with company strategy and objectives.
The Pay Policy sets out the principles and directives that regulate employee remuneration. It ensures that salaries are distributed more equally, taking employee performance and the objectives achieved into account. Its purpose is to reward competent, responsible and independent conduct and to support productivity and job satisfaction. The selection, recruitment and remuneration of our personnel are based on their qualifications, skills, work experience, and on personal interview without gender, age, family status or other discriminations. Wages offered by the company are equal or greater than the minimum rates applicable for each job position. It is our policy, in accordance with all applicable laws, to recruit, hire, train and promote persons in all job titles without regard to race, sex, religion age, disability, nation origin, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
Within company operations and cooperation with other businesses, we ensure that employment contracts are provided to all employees stating the terms and conditions of service, the voluntary nature of employment, the freedom to leave (including the appropriate procedures) and any penalties that may be associated with a departure or termination of work. Polyeco respects the freedom of association and the right of all employers and workers to freely and voluntarily establish and join groups for the promotion and defense of their occupational interests.
Equal pay for equal work is an important principle in Polyeco's pay policy, and that's why, the wage determination is based on an individual overall assessment. In this assessment, the HR Manager considers the following factors:
- Job Analysis and Requirements: Job analysis is the systematic process of determining the skills and knowledge required for performing job. A job which requires more skills, more competence, compensation for that should be more as compared to others.
- Educational qualifications: The quality of education has a great value for Polyeco. University Degrees, Certifications and memberships in professional organizations, are taking under serious consideration and have a positive affect on wage determination.
- Work experience: In today’s competitive market, relevant work experience related to the job posted, means that the employee skill level would be higher when compared to others. Hiring experienced candidates is useful in many ways for Polyeco and it is generally rewarded.
- Employee Productivity & Performance: Wages are related to productivity of employees as it is done in piece wage system. Employees who perform more than the standards are given rewards to motivate them so that good performance is repeated in future also.
- Hazardous working conditions: Polyeco’s activities produce a basic model risk assessment reflecting the core hazards and risk associated with these activities. The Risk Assessment forms the basis of the Health and Safety Management System and provides a systematic approach in order to identify potential health and safety hazards and appropriate control measures to ensure a safe place of work. Jobs that fall into this category are regulated by the national laws, regulations and relevant international laws, regulations and conventions, as well as Polyeco’s HSE Policy, which includes site rules, hygiene rules and Standard Operating Procedures.
- Legal Requirements: Our company complies with the Greek Labour Legislation in all of its activities, as well as the local laws and legislations of all the countries in which we operate.
Among other regulations, these forbid all forms of forced and compulsory labour, give to employees the freedom and the right to resign from their work voluntarily and reward extra hours of work with additional payment.
Polyeco's Pay Policy also includes benefits and perks such as private health and training. Wages and benefits are clearly communicated to workers; paid in bank deposit; overtime paid at premium rate; all employees receive a wage receipt with an analysis of their payment that include, any overtime payment, tax and social security deductions. We do not make use of false apprenticeship schemes to avoid legal obligations to personnel.
Employee wellbeing
The wellbeing of our employees is a key component of our corporate values and sustainability. We have strengthened and expanded support initiatives for employees offering them benefits beyond the statutory minimum, to help them cope with balancing work and family commitments. In 2018, Polyeco signed a Private healthcare and life insurance program for all its employees.
We also actively protect motherhood and parenthood in our company through flexible labour regime, without any loss of benefits, for up to 12 months, as well as to our employees caring for elderly family members or family members with serious sickness. We have also established a leave/short working hour system for employees caring for family members with special needs rated over 80%.
Responsibility Towards Our Employees
9. Διάλογος με τα Ενδιαφερόμενα Μέρη
Stakeholder engagement is the process of involving and interacting with people who may be affected by the decisions that the company makes or can influence the implementation of its decisions.
Polyeco recognizes that requirements, expectations, perceptions, personal agendas and concerns of its stakeholders have a direct impact and influence on the company’s sustainable development and the outcomes that can be achieved. Successful stakeholder engagement is therefore a vital requirement for the company’s professional project management.
As it is essential to keep up an open and unrestricted dialogue with stakeholders, we implement a stakeholder management system which includes a systematic identification, analysis, planning and implementation of actions designed to engage with stakeholders, such as consultation, communication, negotiation, compromise, and relationship building.
Communication with stakeholders
The sustainability management conducted by Polyeco holds up the responsibility and aims to provide desirable values to each stakeholder. For this reason, we have built up various communication channels to identify stakeholders’ interest and have made every effort to ensure the prevention of risks and creation of new opportunities.
Polyeco has identified the following stakeholders with whom it interacts in the course of its business: customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, regulators and wider society.
Polyeco’s communication channels and interaction with its stakeholders is illustrated in the table below.
Material Issues |
Affected Stakeholders |
Environmental Compliance |
Authorities Shareholders Customers Suppliers Employees Community |
Environmental Investments |
Waste Management |
Emissions |
Energy & Water Consumption |
Climate Change |
Circular Economy |
Profitability |
Authorities Shareholders Customers Suppliers |
Presence in the Local Market |
Global Growth Expansion |
Corporate Governance |
Employee health, safety and wellness |
Employees Authorities Customers Community |
Education and Training |
Responsible Labor Practices |
Equal and Fair employment |
Improvement of products and services |
Shareholders Customers Suppliers |
Emergency Response |
Quality of Products and Services |
Product Safety |
Regulatory and Legislative Compliance |
Authorities Shareholders Customers Suppliers Employees Community |
Responsible competitiveness |
Transparency |
Anticorruption |
Procurement Practices |
Data security and privacy |
Local Economic Contribution |
Community |
Environmetal Awareness |
Educational Programms |
10. Προϊοντική Υπευθυνότητα και Καινοτομία
Since its establishment, Polyeco S.A. constantly strives on improving environmental management performance and competitiveness for its clients. Through continuous training, research & development in the fields of recovery, decontamination, reclamation and rehabilitation, Polyeco provides integrated sustainable waste management solutions for the industrial sector.
With an emphasis on advocating responsible product and service innovation, we constantly invest in research and development and strive for continuous improvement of our processes, as well as the development of new methods for sustainable and total waste management. In practice, we prove our orientation towards sustainable development and environmental enhancement, through the recovery and final disposal of increasing quantities and different types of industrial waste in our facilities in Greece.
POLYECO has established a state-of-the-art laboratory, fully equipped with the latest technology and equipment, staffed with specialized scientific personnel. All waste analytical parameters are analyzed in the laboratory, determining the best available waste management process. These analyses are performed either for waste identification or for research and development purposes. In addition, POLYECO ‘s laboratory is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD), according to ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17025, to fulfill chemical analyses according to international standards, for all industrial production sectors and for numerous parameters.
A company that aims at the ecological and sustainable waste management, could only operate under an ecological ethos. Consequently, Polyeco is committed to continuously improving its energy and environmental performance while respecting the environment, its legality, its employees, its customers, its shareholders and society in general, with the main aim of preventing accidents and occupational hazards in the workplace and creating a safe working environment, along with the reduction of its environmental footprint and the provision of high quality products and services.
In this regard, based on its strategy and vision, Polyeco operates with the application of the Best Available Techniques in accordance with the Sustainable Development Standards, under AGENDA 2030 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Objectives, promoting environmental investments.
In full compliance with EMAS Regulation, Polyeco constantly monitors the basic environmental indicators measuring: water consumption, electricity consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and total annual emissions of air pollutants (NOx, SO2, and particulate matter) that arise from the company’s activity. Polyeco also monitors the levels of Environmental Noise within its facilities and conducts Liquid Waste Measurements.
Energy Consumption
Annual consumption_2020
Annual consumption |
Consumption |
Electricity |
3.147.355,70 (KWh) |
Diesel (heavy load vehicles and machinery) |
346.464,787 (lt) |
Gas light-duty truck (passenger vehicles) |
34.859,34 (lt) |
5.373,99 (lt) |
Water Consumption
Water Consumption (m3) 2020 | ||||
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | |
Aspropyrgos Facilities | 2.587 | 2.510 | 2.677 | 2.885 |
Thessaloniki Facilities | 156 | 58 | 312 | 440 |
Mandra Facilities | 3.104 | 3.347 | ||
Total | 2.743 | 2.568 | 6.093 | 6.672 |
Air Emmisions
The total air emissions for 2020 are:
Kg |
CO2 |
9,16E+05 |
CH4 |
51,32 |
N2O |
353,65 |
SO2 |
201,30 |
For the calculation of CO, NOx, HC (Non Methane VOCs) and PM emissions is used the ‘EMEP/EEA emission inventory guidebook 2009, updated May 2012, ΑΝΝΕΧ Ι, Τable 9.12’.
Consequently, the selected factors are:
Emission factors (diesel HDV) (g/kg fuel) |
Emission factors (gasoline) (g/kg fuel) |
Emission factors (LPG) (g/kg fuel) |
CO |
8,49 |
69,4 |
120 |
ΝΟx |
35,6 |
6,99 |
37 |
HC |
2,8 |
10,53 |
25 |
PM |
1,24 |
0,03 |
The total annual CO, NOx, HC (Non Methane VOCs) and PM emissions based on the fuel consumption under 2020 are:
Kg (diesel) |
Kg (gasoline) |
Kg (LPG) |
TOTAL (kg) |
CO |
2441,4 |
1814,4 |
354,6 |
4610,5 |
ΝΟx |
10237,3 |
182,8 |
109,3 |
10529,5 |
HC |
805,2 |
275,3 |
73,8 |
1154,4 |
PM |
356,6 |
0,78 |
357,4 |
Noise Monthly Measurement points 2020
2020 |
February |
April |
June |
August |
October |
December |
Σ1 |
59 |
63 |
62 |
58 |
55 |
59 |
Σ2 |
57 |
62 |
63 |
58 |
58 |
64 |
Σ3 |
58 |
61 |
62 |
60 |
59 |
61 |
Σ4 |
60 |
62 |
60 |
63 |
62 |
62 |
Σ5 |
58 |
56 |
57 |
64 |
58 |
56 |
Σ6 |
59 |
60 |
56 |
55 |
61 |
56 |
Σ7 |
61 |
63 |
63 |
62 |
61 |
56 |
Σ8 |
56 |
60 |
55 |
62 |
56 |
58 |
Σ9 |
57 |
62 |
63 |
60 |
60 |
55 |
58,33 |
61,00 |
60,11 |
60,22 |
58,89 |
58,56 |
Typical declination |
1,49 |
2,05 |
3,07 |
2,70 |
2,23 |
2,99 |
11. Χρήση Φυσικών Πόρων
Polyeco’s operations aim to reduce its environmental footprint, while respecting international, EU and national legislation. In order to continue its successful course at an international, European and national level, Polyeco adapts the requirements of its projects to provide innovative solutions with state-of-the-art equipment, making our company one of the largest waste management companies internationally, with hundreds of successful projects around the world.
In full compliance with EMAS Regulation, Polyeco constantly monitors the basic environmental indicators measuring: water consumption, electricity consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and total annual emissions of air pollutants (NOx, SO2, and particulate matter) that arise from the company’s activity. Polyeco also monitors the levels of Environmental Noise within its facilities and conducts Liquid Waste Measurements.
The company has developed environmental programs, setting specific goals, invests in environmental projects and implements the best available environmental techniques and practices for achieving continuous improvement. Polyeco monitors the Consumption of Resources within its facilities and takes appropriate measures in an effort to reduce the effects that arise from the use of electrical and electronic equipment, toners/inks, lamps, batteries, lubricants and packaging materials.
The calculation of key indicators of environmental & safety performance is based on consolidated data from alternative fuels & alternative raw materials production and the waste management plants and their attached facilities. Emissions and consumption of natural resources are avoided due to (1) the strict application of environmental permit measures and conditions, as well as (2) the implementation of the provisions of Directive 2010/75/EU (On Industrial Emissions - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control).
The social performance indicators are calculated according to the integrated Polyeco’s data management system, which includes an internal CSR software platform for all data collection and consolidation processes, which are the basis for calculating social performance data.
Waste Management
Οur vision is based on the EU's environmental policy as well as on the principles of the circular economy, aiming to reduce the health and environmental impacts of waste, in order to improve European resource efficiency, and to use unavoidable waste as resources. It is common knowledge that proper waste management is a key element in ensuring resource efficiency, energy recovery and the sustainable growth of European Member States Econo mies.
Laboratory waste
The waste resulting from laboratory activities (EWC 16 05 06 *) is packed in suitable containers and stored at the EA storage facility of Polyeco, before being shipped to licensed facilities abroad for final disposal or managed within the facility. In 2019approximately 10.000,00 kg of laboratory waste were exported to licensed facilities in the EU
Solid wastes
Any solid industrial waste generated from production at Polyeco facility is converted into alternative fuel. Metal packaging and various scrap metals from waste packed in metal packaging are recycled. Once the packaging are emptied, they are cleaned and compressed and the clean metal is sent to an approved waste collector for recycling. Recyclable waste from staff activities is collected separately and recycled within the facility as a raw material for the production of secondary fuel. The waste that cannot be recycled is collected by the Aspropyrgos Municipality and taken to the Ano Liossia Landfill. Their quantity is about 11 tn / year for the Aspropyrgos plant and about 3 tn / year for the Thessaloniki plant.
Liquid waste
There are 2 different liquid waste streams at Aspropyrgos facility; industrial liquid waste and urban waste water. It is worth mentioning that the proposed changes have been integrated to the existing industrial liquid treatment plant and it is not expected to be associated with the discharges to the water recipient as facility’s liquid waste is being treated at Tank Farm.
Soil & Groundwater
There is no imminent risk of soil or groundwater contamination when the facility operates under normal conditions. Potential risk may occur in the event of a leak in the pumping station, tanks or in the repackaging area and the area of HW storage. To avoid such a risk, appropriate soil protection measures have been taken in the respective areas.
In addition, soil is being tested periodically which entails chemical sampling every 6 months at various points around the site for elements and compounds as defined at the corresponding environmental condition of the Decision of Approval of Environmental Terms.
Groundwater’s control entails sampling at 3 boreholes, once every 6 months.
nergy Consumption
Annual consumption_2020
Annual consumption |
Consumption |
Electricity |
3.147.355,70 (KWh) |
Diesel (heavy load vehicles and machinery) |
346.464,787 (lt) |
Gas light-duty truck (passenger vehicles) |
34.859,34 (lt) |
5.373,99 (lt) |
Water Consumption
Water Consumption (m3) 2020 | ||||
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | |
Aspropyrgos Facilities | 2.587 | 2.510 | 2.677 | 2.885 |
Thessaloniki Facilities | 156 | 58 | 312 | 440 |
Mandra Facilities | 3.104 | 3.347 | ||
Total | 2.743 | 2.568 | 6.093 | 6.672 |
Air Emmisions
The total air emissions for 2020 are:
Kg |
CO2 |
9,16E+05 |
CH4 |
51,32 |
N2O |
353,65 |
SO2 |
201,30 |
For the calculation of CO, NOx, HC (Non Methane VOCs) and PM emissions is used the ‘EMEP/EEA emission inventory guidebook 2009, updated May 2012, ΑΝΝΕΧ Ι, Τable 9.12’.
Consequently, the selected factors are:
Emission factors (diesel HDV) (g/kg fuel) |
Emission factors (gasoline) (g/kg fuel) |
Emission factors (LPG) (g/kg fuel) |
CO |
8,49 |
69,4 |
120 |
ΝΟx |
35,6 |
6,99 |
37 |
HC |
2,8 |
10,53 |
25 |
PM |
1,24 |
0,03 |
The total annual CO, NOx, HC (Non Methane VOCs) and PM emissions based on the fuel consumption under 2020 are:
Kg (diesel) |
Kg (gasoline) |
Kg (LPG) |
TOTAL (kg) |
CO |
2441,4 |
1814,4 |
354,6 |
4610,5 |
ΝΟx |
10237,3 |
182,8 |
109,3 |
10529,5 |
HC |
805,2 |
275,3 |
73,8 |
1154,4 |
PM |
356,6 |
0,78 |
357,4 |
Noise Monthly Measurement points 2020
2020 |
February |
April |
June |
August |
October |
December |
Σ1 |
59 |
63 |
62 |
58 |
55 |
59 |
Σ2 |
57 |
62 |
63 |
58 |
58 |
64 |
Σ3 |
58 |
61 |
62 |
60 |
59 |
61 |
Σ4 |
60 |
62 |
60 |
63 |
62 |
62 |
Σ5 |
58 |
56 |
57 |
64 |
58 |
56 |
Σ6 |
59 |
60 |
56 |
55 |
61 |
56 |
Σ7 |
61 |
63 |
63 |
62 |
61 |
56 |
Σ8 |
56 |
60 |
55 |
62 |
56 |
58 |
Σ9 |
57 |
62 |
63 |
60 |
60 |
55 |
58,33 |
61,00 |
60,11 |
60,22 |
58,89 |
58,56 |
Typical declination |
1,49 |
2,05 |
3,07 |
2,70 |
2,23 |
2,99 |
12. Διαχείριση Πόρων
Over the past few years, resource management has become an integral part of our company. The process of utilizing various types of business resources efficiently and effectively, enables Polyeco to utilize the skilled workforce and improve profitability optimally.
The ultimate goal of resource management is to ensure that the company is operating in an ethical and socially responsible manner with ambition to avoid negative impacts enhance positive effects. We aim at sustainable development combined with environmental protection, building on high expertise, giving its services of excellent quality characteristics and outstanding advantages, with special emphasis on environmental protection, in application of the European Directive 2010/75 / EU "on Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)".
Consequently, Polyeco is committed to continuously improving its energy and environmental performance while respecting the environment, its legality, its employees, its customers, its shareholders and society in general, with the main aim of preventing accidents and occupational hazards in the workplace and creating a safe working environment, along with the reduction of its environmental footprint and the provision of high quality products and services.
For Polyeco, Resource, Quality and Environmental Management, requires the following goals to be achieved:
- Ensuring the quality of its products and services through efficient planning and monitoring of its operation.
- Being recognized as a company which respects the environment
- Application and monitoring of appropriate quality and environmental practices.
- Continual service improvement and fully satisfied customers.
- Minimizing environmental and risk impacts associated to company’s operation (including stakeholder needs and expectations)
In order to achieve the above objectives, Polyeco is committed to:
- Implementing a Quality Management System in full compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, Regulation 1221/2009 / EC (EMAS) and ISO 14001: 2015.
The Integrated System of Quality Management and Environmental Quality Management requires:
- Commitment that applies to all members of the staff, as well as Management
- Communication and feedback of experience to all company’s levels
- Provision of adequate training and guidance in general and specialized issues of quality and environmental management, to all employees.
- Defining, monitoring and reviewing measurable quality and environmental management objectives, targeting continuous improvement, minimizing risks, customer’s protection, meeting customer needs and expectations, continuously deliver compliant products and services to the customer, knowledge of the company in depth.
- Monitoring, documentation and evaluation of company performance on quality and environmental management.
- Implementation and verification of corrective actions
- Regular inspection of procedures
- Compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements that company is subject to and which are related to the implementation of its services, environmental and occupational health and safety risks
- Constantly seeking to exceed customers’ expectations
- Providing the necessary means for the safe operation and continuous improvement of the Integrated System
- Constantly seeking new ways to enhance business processes
- Continual improvement of company’s performance on quality and environmental management
Polyeco contributes to the conservation of natural resources, reducing operating expenses and raising employee environmental awareness. “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” is one of Polyeco’s fundamental principles, implementing longstanding and active waste reduction and recycling programs. Specifically, our top priority is to reduce waste generation in the first place and the second priority is the reuse and recycling of materials, whenever this is possible.
We implement measures and actions in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the main cause of climate change. Except for the use of energy efficient products, we have established a solar power station at our facilities in Aspropyrgos. We are also conducting efforts in order to reduce water usage by establishing monitoring and targeting system.
In this content, the company focuses on green product advantages and eco-friendly business practices in marketing messages and strategies. All the corporate stationery, such as brochures, flyers, business cards, gift bags and notebooks, is printed on recycled paper. We choose Eco-friendly gift products for healthier living, like bamboo usb flash drives, conference folders and pens from cork, wooden ecocubes containing dirt and seeds which develop into flowers.
It should be mentioned that for the achievement of the targets set in the field of environmental protection the company strongly encourages the participation of its employees and ensures their constant education in the practices that can be applied for the conservation of resources.
The training programs are conducted by external partners or by the company’s executives. The educational themes cover all the aspects of environmental management of the existing Quality and Environmental Management System. Furthermore, the employees are informed about the environmental policy applied by the company, the environmental goals and targets, the applied environmental programs, as well as the environmental effects of the company’s operation.
Last year, Polyeco with a deep awareness of current environmental problems and many years of experience in waste management and sustainability practices, implemented the "Zero Waste Office" action initiative in all its facilities.
The "Zero Waste Office" program, one of the most recent and absolute environmental concepts, aims to prevent the production of waste as much as possible, to utilize the generated waste as a resource and to minimize the amount of waste sent to landfills.
The above objectives are in line with European legislation, the Waste Framework Directive and the waste management hierarchy. Living with zero waste is not easy in itself, as it means making many changes in a person’s life, even giving up some of the luxuries he/she is used to having.
Together with its employees, Polyeco has implemented the following measures as new daily habits in the workplace, within the premises of its facilities and which all employees follow:
1. Paper Recycling
Every office produces large amounts of waste paper. Ignorance of the resources needed to further manage recyclable materials, combined with poor management due to haste and a lack of paper-saving practices, creates quite large amounts of waste that are thrown away in municipal landfills. At Polyeco, we avoid reckless use of paper and print only when needed, as all files are transferred via storage devices (usb sticks, hard-discs). All documents are printed on both sides of the sheet of paper. Any sheets of paper that are not used are stacked in a special place next to the printer to be used as note paper by employees. All fully used sheets are deposited in a special paper recycling bin.
2. Office supplies, electronic devices and batteries
We buy refillable pens, and the stationery along with materials that are no longer useful are deposited in a special bin for further recycling or production of secondary fuel at Polyeco. The same tactic is followed for printing equipment. The printer inks are collected in special bins and taken to partner companies for refilling. The batteries are first collected in a special battery collection bin and then transferred to the Polyeco household battery treatment plant. Electronic device recycling bins have been installed on all floors, as they are the most frequently discarded electronic and technological equipment available to modern companies.
3. Recycling- Composting
Polyeco has purchased special separation and collection bins for various streams of materials (paper, plastic, glass, aluminum). We have invested in complete kitchen equipment so as to avoid ordering coffee or food through delivery (reduction of carbon footprint due to the elimination of transport & required packaging) and to enhance the consumption of homemade food in order to accurately manage meal portions and avoid food waste. Those who use the kitchen area are obligated, after cleaning the packaging, to separate and deposit them in the appropriate bins. In the kitchen there are also buckets for collecting used coffee grounds (filter and espresso - with a separate collection of coffee capsules). For the large packages of ground coffee that the company supplies to the employees, there is a special area where they are cut and deposited to be given as raw material to artists (up cycling).
In the case of unavoidable food waste, there is a state-of-the-art dryer in the kitchen area, where the collected bio-waste is placed for further treatment at Megaeco and their conversion into either compost or alternative fuel (through composting and anaerobic procedures). We have procured a special bin for collection of cigarette butts, which will be forwarded for alternative fuel production or recycling. In case it is necessary to order coffee or juice, the company has informed in writing the cooperating coffee shops not to bring plastic straws for any order made by the company's offices.
All employees use their own coffee and water thermoses and their own straws which are made from sustainable bamboo and offer an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic straws as they are reusable and biodegradable. For each visitor the company has supplied disposable wheat straws made from natural wheat 100% biodegradable and compostable.
The "Zero Waste Office" program, started in the offices of the facilities at the beginning of 2019 and was warmly accepted by both the management and the employees, as well as by the external partners-visitors of our company. Environmental awareness is a way of life for Polyeco and all its employees. The implementation of this initiative is the beginning of a new future.
13. Εκπομπές αερίων και Κλιματική Αλλαγή
Polyeco recognizes the need to address the global challenge of climate change and approaches reducing air pollution and mitigating climate change in a more integrated way.
To achieve our commitment to UN GC Principles and stabilize carbon emissions and environmental footprint to the lowest possible level, Polyeco implements climate change mitigation actions for the reduction of the air pollution, and clean air measures can help reduce GHG emissions leading to reductions in global warming.
The last decade, Polyeco adopted a set of ambitious targets to mitigate CO2 emissions from its activities:
1. Adding air quality to its Corporate Social Responsibility activities and reporting
2. Quantifying air pollution down the supply chain and/or manufacturing processes
3. Collecting the data required to develop emission inventories for key major pollutants related to the companies’ own activities
4. Establishing programs that reduce air pollution from its own operations and also from its suppliers
5. Promote awareness campaigns to transparently communicate the levels of emission caused by its operations and explain what will be done to reduce those emissions
Τo achieve our commitment to UN GC Principles and stabilize carbon emissions and environmental footprint to the lowest possible level, Polyeco funded a significant investment to create a solar power station consisting of 1000 photovoltaic panels that have been installed, on the roof of our main industrial facilities in Aspropyrgos, Greece. This Green Energy Solar Station has a total surface of 3300m2, and a generating capacity of 250 kW.
The conversion of direct current to alternating current generator is carried through 12 inverters DELTA (Germany), while for the connection of the unit to the Medium Voltage Power Network a privately owned Low - Medium Voltage Substation of 250kVA was built.
The commercial operation of this power station started after successful completion of the connection of the unit to the medium voltage network of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A. (HEDNO) in February 2013. Six years later, Polyeco S.A. continues the operation of its solar power station, which produces approximately 320.000kWh « green » electricity annually, which is enough to supply about 80 midsize households and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 270 tons of CO2 and a total of nearly 6 tons of SO2, CO, NOx and PM10 emissions
This section presents the Key Environmental Performance Indicators as defined at the Annex IV of EMAS Regulation (annually total water consumption and energy as well as greenhouse gases and NOx, SO2 and particles emissions from each of Polyeco’s facilities):
Annual consumption_2020
Annual consumption
Consumption |
Electricity |
3.147.355,70 (KWh) |
Diesel (heavy load vehicles and machinery) |
346.464,787 (lt) |
Gas light-duty truck (passenger vehicles) |
34.859,34 (lt) |
5.373,99 (lt) |
The total air emissions are:
Kg |
CO2 |
9,16E+05 |
CH4 |
51,32 |
N2O |
353,65 |
SO2 |
201,30 |
For the calculation of CO, NOx, HC (Non Methane VOCs) and PM emissions is used the ‘EMEP/EEA emission inventory guidebook 2009, updated May 2012, ΑΝΝΕΧ Ι, Τable 9.12’.
Consequently, the selected factors are:
Emission factors (diesel HDV) (g/kg fuel) |
Emission factors (gasoline) (g/kg fuel) |
Emission factors (LPG) (g/kg fuel) |
CO |
8,49 |
69,4 |
120 |
ΝΟx |
35,6 |
6,99 |
37 |
HC |
2,8 |
10,53 |
25 |
PM |
1,24 |
0,03 |
The total annual CO, NOx, HC (Non Methane VOCs) and PM emissions based on the fuel consumption under 2020 are:
Kg (diesel) |
Kg (gasoline) |
Kg (LPG) |
TOTAL (kg) |
CO |
2441,4 |
1814,4 |
354,6 |
4610,5 |
ΝΟx |
10237,3 |
182,8 |
109,3 |
10529,5 |
HC |
805,2 |
275,3 |
73,8 |
1154,4 |
PM |
356,6 |
0,78 |
357,4 |
14. Εργασιακά Δικαιώματα
Respecting human rights is a fundamental part of Polyeco’s responsibility as a company and is vital to operate our sustainable business. We are committed to respecting fundamental human rights in our operations, our value chain, and in the communities where we operate. We seek to avoid complicity in human rights abuses and to use our influence to promote the fulfillment of human rights.
Our commitment to operating with respect for human rights is reflected in all aspects of Polyeco’s business operations and is integrated in our company policies and relevant procedures. We aim to identify, assess, and manage the human rights impacts of our business activities based on the operational context, our leverage and business relationships.
In this context, Polyeco has developed and implements a human rights policy, according to which the company commits to align its operations and strategies with the universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights. Polyeco’s Human Rights Policy is integrated within the company’s standards of its Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.
Women in the workforce
Polyeco looks to those human rights defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its two corresponding covenants, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Additionally, we also look to children’s and women’s rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.
Polyeco’s approach to its business operations is in compliance with the ILO International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, The Children's Rights and Business Principles, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United Nations Global Compact, to which we are signatories
Child labour is an essential concern for Polyeco. In this context, we use adequate and verifiable mechanisms for age verification. We ensure the adherence of minimum age provisions of national labour laws and regulations, especially in countries with Low Human Development Index, where Polyeco executes many of its projects. We are against any form of child labour in all of our operation in Greece and abroad, and the same we require from our contractors and supply chain.
The workplace is a strategic entry point for freeing society from discrimination.
Combating discrimination at the workplace can help reduce disadvantages, such as in education, resulting from inequity that people may have suffered at earlier stages in life. When the workplace brings together workers of different races, sexes and ages, for example, and treats them equally, it helps build a sense of common purpose. By doing so, it defuses stereotypes and prejudices that are at the heart of discrimination.
Performance Indicators
- GRI 405-1 Disclosure: Diversity of governance bodies and employees
- EFFAS S03-01: Age structure/distribution (number of FTEs per age group, 10-year intervals)
- EFFAS S10-02: Percentage of female FTEs in senior positions inrelation to total FTEs in senior positions.
Analysis of employment
Distribution By Gender
- MEN: 82%
- WOMEN: 18%
Age Range
- <30 years old: 11,8%
- 30-50 years old: 68,2%
- > 50 years old: 20%
Type of employment
- Full Time: 99%
- Part Time: 1%
Level of education
- Secondary Education: 25,9%
- Technical Education: 24,6%
- College: 27,6%
- University: 21,9%
Employee Category
- Executives: 9,7%
- Administrative staff: 35,5%
- Workers & technical staff: 54,8%
15. Ίσες Ευκαιρίες
Polyeco introduces measures to promote equality, being aware of the diversities of language, culture and family circumstances that may exist in the workforce. Managers and supervisory staff seek to develop an understanding of the different types of discrimination and how it can affect the workforce.
Polyeco treats all employees fairly, ethically, respectfully and with dignity. Polyeco offers equal employment opportunities without any distinction based on age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, citizenship, marital status, family situation, country of origin or other factors, in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country where it operates.
The selection, recruitment and remuneration of our personnel are based on their qualifications, skills, work experience, and on personal interview without gender, age, family status or other discriminations. Wages offered by the company are equal or greater than the minimum rates applicable for each job position. It is our policy, in accordance with all applicable laws, to recruit, hire, train and promote persons in all job titles without regard to race, sex, religion age, disability, nation origin, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
Within company operations and cooperation with other businesses, we ensure that employment contracts are provided to all employees stating the terms and conditions of service, the voluntary nature of employment, the freedom to leave (including the appropriate procedures) and any penalties that may be associated with a departure or termination of work.
Polyeco respects the freedom of association and the right of all employers and workers to freely and voluntarily establish and join groups for the promotion and defense of their occupational interests.
Health and Safety Policy
Polyeco recognizes its responsibility towards the Environment, the Health, Safety and well-being of its personnel and people affected by its activities.
Also aware of its responsibilities and duties towards its shareholders and stakeholders, POLYECO is committed to internationally recognized health, safety and environmental standards. POLYECO acts in an ethical and socially responsible manner with the ambition to avoid negative impacts enhance positive effects and contribute to sustainable development. This HSE policy applies to all activities of POLYECO from conceptual design to operations; its principles apply to all personnel working on behalf of POLYECO, whether as employees, contractors or suppliers.
Polyeco is committed to:
- Integrating HSE aspects in business performance strategy and demonstrating the HSE importance through hands-on leadership and behavior
- Have an ongoing focus on improving HSE performance
- Ensuring safe operations that protect people, the environment, communities and assets.
Base Principles
- Safety first
Safety comes first. Facilities and operations will be developed, planned and maintained such that robust barriers are in place to prevent accidents. All employees have the right and the duty to stop any works if adequate systems to control risks are not in place. - Full Compliance with applicable Laws and Regulations
Comply with national laws and regulations and respect relevant international laws, regulations and conventions. Disciplines over violations will be treated according to applicable legislation and the respective rules and regulations established within the company. Therefore disciplines may vary from single verbal or written notice to immediate dismissal/end of contract. - HSE is a common responsibility
All personnel acting on behalf of POLYECO are responsible for ensuring that the HSE policy and principles are understood and implemented at all levels of the organization. All personnel will be held accountable for HSE performance. - HSE Risk Management
Polyeco works systematically to understand and manage risk and undertake improvement processes based on surveys and risk assessments. HSE hazards and impacts are identified and related risks are reduced to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). - Attitude towards personnel
Health and well-being of personnel is of high importance for POLYECO. The company monitors occupational risks of personnel and takes appropriate actions; aiming for a safe and attractive working environment characterized by respect, trust and cooperation.
All personnel will have necessary qualifications and training for their tasks. Training needs will be evaluated regularly and relevant training programs will be established. No action or measure against any person who reports an HSE violation is neither permitted nor accepted at all levels of hierarchy. - Contractors and Suppliers
HSE management of contractors and suppliers shall act in line with this policy. In addition, POLYECO expects its contractors and suppliers to follow these HSE principles while having in place an objective HSE Performance Evaluation System. - HSE performance improvement - incident investigation, audits and inspections
Polyeco investigates incidents and implements mitigation measures to ensure that they will not be repeated. All individuals, whether contractors or staff, shall therefore report all incidents and near misses. Incident will be investigated to identify actions to be taken to prevent their recurrence. Regular audits will be conducted to verify implementation of this HSE policy. Polyeco has set in place an awarding system to promote high HSE performance. - Emergency Response
Polyeco maintains an emergency response and preparedness procedure to identify the potential risks and to respond to accidents and emergency situations. This procedure is also meant to prevent and/or mitigate associated environmental, safety and health impacts. POLYECO establishes appropriate systems and trained personnel for emergency response in place for all its activities. Should an accident occur, emergency preparedness routines and resources will be available to limit the consequences and restore safe operations.
Training and induction sessions
Apart from its personnel POLYECO conducts training sessions to representatives of client on several aspects depicted in the following table. The training sessions are both theoretical and practical.
The scope of the training includes the following concepts which are included in the training program:
- Understanding of the project’s safety and environmental requirements and their implementation on site by the staff
- Understanding of the procedures to be followed in improper situations
- Reporting principals and understanding rule
- Understanding how to act in case of unexpected environmental accidents
An indicative training matrix with the subjects covered is presented.
Table 1: Training matrix
Training subject |
Polyeco staff |
Subcontractors |
Introduction to POLYECO’s Code of Conduct, principles and values |
X |
X |
Information about the hazards of waste and contaminated materials |
X |
X |
Transboundary movement of hazardous waste/substances |
X |
Site management and control |
X |
Health, Safety and Environmental plan |
X |
X |
Monitoring and supervision of operations |
X |
X |
Task Based Risk Assessment and Standard Operating Procedures |
X |
X |
Emergency procedures, including spill response, first aid and fire fighting |
X |
X |
Site set up and zoning |
X |
X |
Selection, use and maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) |
X |
X |
Waste management including: Drainage and packaging of waste; Labelling and safe storage of waste; Loading and stowing of waste on trucks and shipping containers; Decontamination procedure. |
X |
X |
Transport of waste in accordance with ADR and IMDG regulations |
X |
Health and Safety Indicators
Health and Safety indicators are developed and incorporated in the IMS in order to identify and grade our main waste management activities on the site and to follow-up and communicate our Health and Safety improvements in a group level. Polyeco group has established KPIs regarding incidents, accidents, near misses in our facilities and in all sites we operate worldwide. Accordingly, we record the possible safety precautions that need to be implemented in order to avoid risk for safety at work.
Some of the most important safety indicators are presented in the table below.
Health and Safety Indicators |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Recordable incidents |
9 |
8 |
1 |
6 |
2 |
Total recordable incident rate |
7.85 |
6.05 |
0.75 |
4.15 |
1.22 |
Fatalities |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
First aid cases |
6 |
4 |
0 |
3 |
4 |
Road traffic accidents |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Lost time incidents |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Lost time rate |
0.87 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Safety meetings |
8 |
11 |
12 |
15 |
5 |
Health and safety inspections |
15 |
17 |
17 |
23 |
52 |
Safety meetings and H&S inspections have been increased through the last five years in Polyeco facility and in other Polyeco group facilities and working sites around the world. Polyeco is constantly collecting H&S data so as to assess and understand the problematic tasks/projects and to implement accordingly new correction measures which will lead to minimization of the risks and consequently the incidents at the working areas.
- Lost time incidents and Lost time incident rate1
There were no lost time incidents recorded in 2020 while the lost time incident rate was zero. The target for both indicators for 2021 will be set to zero as well.
1: LTIR=LTI*200.000/WHRs
- Recordable incidents and Recordable incident rate2
There were 2 recordable incidents in 2020 while the total recordable incident rate was 1.22. The target for recordable incidents for 2021 will be set to one or zero and accordingly the target for TRIR will be set to 1. or less. According to the downward trend (slope) below, Polyeco is targeting to minimize to zero the recordable incidents within a two-year timeframe.
2: TRIR=RI*200.000/WHRs
Targets for 2021
Through the correct implementation of the IMS and our employees’ contribution we can achieve year-on-year improvements to health and safety and meet our targets.
16. Απασχόληση
At Polyeco, we value the relationship we have with our employees. The success of our business depends on every employee in our global enterprise. We are committed to fostering open and inclusive workplaces that respect human and workplace rights, where all employees are valued and inspired to be the best they can be.
To meet this demand, we employ dynamic individuals, with credible experience and passion. Over the years, we have been fortunate to attract some of the most talented professionals in our industry. Our dedicated and highly educated personnel is our competitive advantage, the most valuable asset for achieving management initiatives and corporate growth.
How we conduct business is fundamental to our success and achieving our results. We believe ethics and compliance is our shared responsibility. A commitment to integrity and ethical behavior is a critical factor in our decisions regarding professional advancement and compensation. The foundation of our approach lies in two key documents: our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and our Workplace Policy Handbook. Both are in full compliance with the UN Global Compact principles and International Labour Organization (ILO) declarations.
Disclosure Management Approach
The foundation of our approach lies in two key documents: our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and our Workplace Policy Handbook. Both are influenced by the United Nations (UN) and International Labour Organization (ILO) declarations. Together, they describe our high standards and expectations, addressing such subjects as child labour, forced labour, freedom of association, discrimination, health and safety, hours of work and Human Rights.
Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and our Workplace Policy Handbook, apply to all entities in which Polyeco S.A. owns a majority of interests. Implementing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business, labour and human rights in our corporate context we use three primary components:
- Our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, a key document used as a framework for respecting human rights in our business context influenced by UN A/RES/3/217 Universal Declaration
- Our Workplace Policy Handbook, influenced by the Greek Labour legislation, the UN A/RES/3/217 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Labour Organization (ILO) declarations
- A due diligence process to identify, prevent, mitigate and be accountable for labour and human rights abuses
Our company complies with the Greek Labour Legislation in all of its activities, as well as the local laws and legislations of all the countries in which we operate. Among other regulations, these forbid all forms of forced and compulsory labour, give to employees the freedom and the right to resign from their work voluntarily and reward extra hours of work with additional payment.
Our primary responsibility is the protection of all our employees, their corresponding salaries and fringe benefits in a time that most of our competitors are laying-off staff and decreasing salaries. We ensure that our employees are paid well, at the least legal minimum wage; sufficient to meet basic needs, have access to affordable benefits, and work in a safe environment.
Wages and benefits are clearly communicated to workers; paid in convenient manner -cash or bank deposit; overtime paid at premium rate; all employees receive a wage receipt with an analysis of their payment that include, any overtime payment, tax and social security deductions. We do not make use of false apprenticeship schemes to avoid legal obligations to personnel.
Employee wellbeing
The wellbeing of our employees is a key component of our corporate values and sustainability. We have strengthened and expanded support initiatives for employees offering them benefits beyond the statutory minimum, to help them cope with balancing work and family commitments. In 2018, Polyeco signed a Private healthcare and life insurance program for all its employees.
We also actively protect motherhood and parenthood in our company through flexible labour regime, without any loss of benefits, for up to 12 months, as well as to our employees caring for elderly family members or family members with serious sickness. We have also established a leave/short working hour system for employees caring for family members with special needs rated over 80%.
Occupational Health and Safety Management
We are measured by our ability to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of our people. Polyeco S.A. is committed to achieving excellence in providing a healthy and safe working environment and to supporting environmentally sound practices in the conduct of its activities.
Recognizing the social and economic dimension of the occupational accidents Polyeco S.A. has developed and applied a comprehensive and effective Safety & Health Management System according to OHSAS 18001 standard and The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1 974 requirements.
Employee Εducation, Training & Development
Polyeco S.A. is also committed to employee orientation and continuous training. We offer a wide range of relevant vocational, technical and waste management training programs to our staff. From ADR Drivers Training Certificates to DGSA Dangerous Goods Safety Advisers certificates as standard, systematic training forms an essential part of Polyeco technical approach to allow our personnel to perform their roles competently and safely. The Chief Technical Officer oversees all our operations, engineering, research and development, and Environment, Health and Safety functions.
17. Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα στην Προμηθευτική Αλυσίδα
Respecting human rights is a fundamental part of Polyeco’s responsibility as a company and is vital to operate our sustainable business. We are committed to respecting fundamental human rights in our operations, our value chain, and in the communities where we operate. We seek to avoid complicity in human rights abuses and to use our influence to promote the fulfillment of human rights.
Our commitment to operating with respect for human rights is reflected in all aspects of Polyeco’s business operations and is integrated in our company policies and relevant procedures. We aim to identify, assess, and manage the human rights impacts of our business activities based on the operational context, our leverage and business relationships.
In this context, Polyeco has developed and implements a human rights policy, according to which the company commits to align its operations and strategies with the universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights. Polyeco’s Human Rights Policy is integrated within the company’s standards of its Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.
Women in the workforce
Polyeco looks to those human rights defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its two corresponding covenants, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Additionally, we also look to children’s and women’s rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Polyeco’s approach to its business operations is in compliance with the ILO International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, The Children's Rights and Business Principles, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United Nations Global Compact, to which we are signatories.
Child labour is an essential concern for Polyeco. In this context, we use adequate and verifiable mechanisms for age verification. We ensure the adherence of minimum age provisions of national labour laws and regulations, especially in countries with Low Human Development Index, where Polyeco executes many of its projects. We are against any form of child labour in all of our operation in Greece and abroad, and the same we require from our contractors and supply chain.
The workplace is a strategic entry point for freeing society from discrimination.
Combating discrimination at the workplace can help reduce disadvantages, such as in education, resulting from inequity that people may have suffered at earlier stages in life. When the workplace brings together workers of different races, sexes and ages, for example, and treats them equally, it helps build a sense of common purpose. By doing so, it defuses stereotypes and prejudices that are at the heart of discrimination.
Responsibility Towards Our Employees
18. Ενίσχυση Τοπικών Κοινωνιών
The world is changing rapidly. To meet the challenges we are all facing bold ambitions and urgent action are required. This is the reason why Polyeco SA since its foundation in 2001, has adapted to serve the needs of a changing world, with a sense of responsibility to social progress, well-being and environmental protection. In order to ensure its sustainable development, POLYECO implements programs, initiatives and practices that reflect its values and define its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), voluntarily incorporating social and environmentally friendly targets in everyday business activities, both in Greece and the countries across the globe where the company implements waste management projects.
POLYECO is a founding member of the Hellenic Foundation of Enterprises Board for Sustainable Development and has committed to implementing the “Code of Sustainable Development Principles” and to integrate those principles in the decision making procedure. POLYECO is also a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the greatest global initiative on Corporate Responsibility. As a member of the UN Global Compact our company has committed to align its principles with ten globally approved principles in the field of human rights, labor, environment and fighting corruption.
But for all of us in Polyeco, CSR is not limited to compliance with legal and business obligations but extends to substantial contribution to society and the environment with respect to the principles of sustainability and prosperity. “Sustainability” for us, is building our business for the long term by balancing social, environmental and economic considerations in the decisions we make.
POLYECO does not just perform waste management projects. We build relationships based on trust, which in turn contribute to environmental protection by linking Contemporary Art to the Environment and Sustainable Development, drawing high moral satisfaction as it is not limited to business development but reinforces the local communities achieving the recovery of man's relationship with nature.
Now more than ever, there is a need to develop the skills, business innovation and best environmental practices in order to ensure the long-term prosperity of our planet. For POLYECO, these are the key elements of sustainable development which we can influence.
Social Contribution
Corporate Social Responsibility constitutes of systematic voluntary integration of activities in a social, environmental and cultural dimension in our every-day practices which, though cannot be categorized as sheer charity or public relations, significantly contribute to sustainable development firmly founded on the principles of ecological, financial and social sustainability.
Since its foundation in 2001 Polyeco implements programs, initiatives and practices that reflect its values and define its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), incorporating social and environmental friendly targets in its everyday business activities. Over the years, POLYECO has been supporting both local and broader community, focusing on the following key points: SUSTAINABLE PLANET & ENVIRONMENT, CULTURE, EDUCATION, RESEARCH & INNOVATION, SPORTS & HEALTH, VULNERABLE SOCIAL GROUPS.
Highlights 2020
- In 2020, Polyeco SA and Nestlé Hellas, joined forces to reduce the impact of plastic pollution by implementing the pilot, pioneering project “WE SEA MORE”, which aims at detecting, recording and collecting waste in the marine ecosystem. The “WE SEA MORE” project took place during the first 3 months of 2020 in the marine environment of Palaio Faliro, a location of rich economic, geomorphological and anthropocentric interest. The area of interest was the marine and coastal environment with a total range of one (1) square kilometer, located at "Akti Edem" in the Municipality of Palaio Faliro, where the stream of Pikrodafni flows. The purpose of the project was to make use of Unmanned Surface Vehicle – (USVs) and remote sensing, for the immediate and valid detection of pollutants - especially plastics - on the coastline, seabed and surface of the sea.The project was implemented in three stages: Waste mapping, collection and subsequent management and recovery of waste.
- Chatzikiriakeio Foundation of Child Supportis a historic foundation providing child protection for orphan and indigent little girls in Greece. In 2020, Polyeco offered to cover the annual heating cost of the Foundation with a great donation, in order to help the children stay warm, safe and well.
- Polyeco is proud for supporting the athletic preparation of the sailing athlete Nancy Fakidi, a member of the Hellenic National team in the series Laser Radial, for the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021.
- Financial support at The Annual General Meeting of SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, that took place on June 15, 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic this year’s meeting was held remotely using audiovisual media.
- Polyeco’s donation to upgrade the energy efficiency of Minors Protection Association of Piraeus “The Good Shepherd” building, by installing photovoltaic systems, minimized the electricity and heating costs of the Association and ensured free and renewable energy source for the children.
- Financial support at the Greek Federation of Recycling and Energy Recovery for Industry, SEPAN (ΣΕΠΑΝ), for the development of a comprehensive Circular Economy Annual Report, which demonstrated progress towards a more circular economy in Greece. The report delivered a w and recommend priority actions for Greece to promote change at both sector and policy level while considering replicability and scalability.
- Financial support at the Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association (HSWMA). HSWMA is a Greek scientific non-profit organization and national representative of the Solid Waste Association (ISWA), which contributes to the development of sustainable Inte rnatio solutions for waste.
- Polyeco was a sponsor at the Annual General Meeting of The Association of Thessalian Enterprises and Industries (STHEV), that was held virtually on October 8th, 2020.
- Polyeco sponsored and participated at The 6th HSWMA Conference entitled: “GREECE 2020 – Priorities for the Circular Economy -Linking citizens, business & science” which was concluded with great success on February 27th and 28th , 2020 at the historical building of the National Technical University of Athens, just few days before the announcement of the new EU action plan for Circular Economy, as part of the European Green Deal.
19. Συμμετοχή σε Πρωτοβουλίες και Πολιτική Επιρροή
Memberships in Associations & Organizations
Collaboration between different types of organizations is one of the keys for unlocking sustainability. Polyeco takes the challenge of sustainability seriously and in this context, supports and cooperates with governments, investors, local communities, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), local, national and international organizations and associations which cultivate dialogue and promote best business practices.
United Nations Global Compact
Since 2013, Polyeco is a member of the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, actively supporting and promoting its Ten Principles on Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environment and Anti-corruption, by implementing and integrating those principles in the decision making procedure.
CSR Hellas
Polyeco is an active member of the Hellenic Network for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR Hellas) since 2013. CSR Hellas is a non-profit organization that promotes the meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility to both the business community and the society.
Sustainable Greece 2020
Since 2014, Polyeco is an ambassador for the Sustainable Greece 2020, an Initiative that aims to create a development model that ensures a Sustainable Economy and Society.
International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)
Polyeco is an ISWA Silver Member since 2015 and is actively involved in the Association's work and activities, thereby helping the Association to promote sustainable waste management across the world.
European Association for Co-processing (EUCOPRO)
European Association for Co-processing represents companies active in pre-treatment operations of (mainly) hazardous waste streams. Being involved in the waste treatment in order to transform it into waste-derived fuels, Polyeco provides a sustainable solution for the treatment of hazardous waste streams and enhances the EUCOPRO mission to promote the recovery of waste as an alternative to traditional waste disposal.
European NORM Association (ENA)
Polyeco is a corporate member of ENA since April 2019. Consequently, Polyeco contributes but it also has access to the European expertise in the field of NORM and to the management of natural radiation sources.
International Salvage Union
Polyeco is an associate member of The International Salvage Union, the trusted and unified global voice of its members who facilitate world trade by providing marine services which save life, protect the environment, mitigate risk and reduce loss.
Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV)
Polyeco is a member of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), an independent not-for-profit association that aims to advance entrepreneurship in Greece, by promoting conditions that foster entrepreneurship and the competitiveness of Greek enterprises. Mr. Athanasios Polychronopoulos, Vice President of Global Development of Polyeco S.A., is a member of the Board of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprices Council for Sustainable Development.
International Chamber of Commerce
Since 2019, Polyeco is a member of ICC, the world business organization, enabling business to secure peace, prosperity and opportunity for all. ICC represents business interests at the highest levels of intergovernmental decision-making, whether at the World Trade Organization, the United Nations or the G20 – ensuring the voice of business is heard. ICC plays a vital role in scaling widespread action on Sustainable Development Goals and has a long history of formulating the voluntary rules by which business is conducted every day.
Polyeco also participates in the following organizations:
- The Greek Association of Environmental Protection Companies (PASEPPE)
- Hellenic Management Association (EEDE)
- Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association (HSWMA)
- Association of Greek Chemical Industries
20. Πρόληψη και Καταπολέμηση της Διαφθοράς
Our approach
Polyeco applies an anti-fraud and bribery policy, which sets the company's strong commitment to preventing, deterring and detecting fraud and corruption. It summarizes the responsibilities of the Board, management and employees, defines the fraud and corruption investigation and reporting processes, and describes related disciplinary actions. All the employees have a key role to play in preventing and detecting fraud and bribery and must report their concerns promptly, using the relevant reporting channels. In an effort to increase our awareness on anti-corruption, to promote compliance, effective internal controls and ethics, we participate in anti-corruption workshops organized by OECD.
Anti-Corruption Laws
Each employee and director of Polyeco, as well as all agents and representatives, must comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws.
The laws of many other countries we operate in prohibit payments or offers to make payments of any kind, including the giving or offering of anything of value to foreign government officials, including officials of public international organizations, office seekers, political parties, or party officials to influence business in any way or obtain an improper advantage. Polyeco performs an Evaluation of Legal Compliance for all activities placed in Foreign Countries. In each fraud alert, details are given on the proposed remedies, so that no such incidents occur. There is also a constant reminder, about the submitting updates and communication that are keys to avoiding fraud.
Performance in 2020
Our HSSEQ Manager is our BIO (Business Integrity Officer) as of 2020, in order to ensure compliance and/or the Anti-bribery Company Policy.
Through the internal auditing process, the BIO oversees the internal controls that have been carried out and recommends measures to improve controls and mitigate risks. The risk assessments that are performed by the internal audit lay the foundations for developing the audit plans and testing the internal controls. Internal Audits can act both as a deterrent and detection mechanism. In case possible fraud or bribery is detected through an Internal Audit, the authorized Representative should immediately notify the CEO of the suspected breaches.
In 2020, no issues of fraud or corruption were identified in Polyeco.